The Dream

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Hey guys I know its been a while since I've updated this story but I've been really busy with other things like my eagle scout project and whatnot, but I'm here so let's get on with the story.

Dipper's P.O.V.

Amelia skipped the entire class after me and Mabel stood up to her, we're probably going to be hated for the rest of our high school career, but eh I don't care as long as I'm happy, I don't care who makes fun of me. "Hey Dipper, thanks for sticking up for me, I probably couldn't have done it without you" pacifica said to me. "No problem, after all no one is going to mess with my girlfriend, without messing with me first" I told her. "Dipper, I'm not your girlfriend, you never asked me out yet" pacifica told me bringing my hopes down. "Well will you be my girlfriend"? I asked her confidently. "No" I was shocked, did she just say no. "And why not"? I asked her. "You have to prove yourself to be my boyfriend" "And how am I supposed to that"? I asked her yet again. "Well, you will just have to find out" she said as she hugged me and ran to her class. Now that's going to be on my mind all day, thanks a lot pacifica. I don't think she remembers we have second period right.

Pacifica's P.O.V.

I left dipper after giving him a hug and went on to my next class, which is chemistry, and I just remembered that I have it with dipper, darn it. Oh well, let's just deal with it. Second period came and I had to sit with dipper, luckily we had to do a lab today so dipper needed all the concentration he needed, and I was his lab partner so I had an easy A.

*A Little While Later*

"So kids does everyone know how to do the project for today"? asked our teacher. Of course everyone said yes but most people had no clue what they were doing, I mean all we had to do is take a string, put each end in a beaker of baking soda mixed with water, then put a paper plate underneath and wait for stalactites to form, and if we were lucky and did the mixture a certain way, we would have a few stalagmites, and maybe even a few columns. Of course with me being  nerd and dipper being, well, dipper, we were able to make all three in about 5 minutes flat. "So pacifica why won't you be my girlfriend"? "I told you, you have to earn it, after all I am the new and improved Northwest, just because we like each other doesn't mean I'm just going to say yes to being your girlfriend." "You have a point, so how can I earn it"? "I'm not going to tell you how to earn my blessings, you're going to have to find out, and I'm telling Mabel so you can't ask her how to earn it either" man I am super harsh, oh well dippers cute when he's mad or frustrated anyway, it's also fun to tease him. Well time for third, singing class or choir however you want to look at it.

*A Little While Later*

Dipper's P.O.V.

"Okay pacifica fine I guess I won't know how to earn your blessings for now." "Thats right you won't, so you better keep trying to figure it out." "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow, right"? "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow, bye" "Bye" we hugged and went home. Today was a long day, so I'm going to bed early. "Goodnight Mabel, I'm sleeping early" "Allright bro bro don't sleep too long though" "yeah whatever." After that I drifted off to sleep.

*In the Dreamscape*

"Uh what happened" "You're in the dreamscape pine tree, where else" I knew that voice from anywhere, Bill Cipher. "W-W-What, h-h-how are you here" "Did you forget or something, I'm a dream demon, I can go into any ones dreams as I please" "No I-I-I thought we defeated you" "You did, but when you're gruncle gained his memory back, I came back" "Well why are you here"? I didn't know why Bill was here and not great uncle Ford's mind but I needed answers, and I needed them soon. "Well here's the thing, I don't have enough time in the dreamscape so I need you to shake my hand and let my be able to enter your mind as much as I please" "What, there is no way I would ever make another deal with you." I had won there was nothing he could use to convince me to shake his hand this time, I was done with the mysteries of Gravity Falls, and there was no one that I needed vengeance on, at least no one that I could think of. "How about I tell you how to earn llama's blessings" "Deal" I said shaking bill's hand.

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