Wait... what are we doing???

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Whoa what does this title mean, you'll have to find out.

Disclaimer: I'm not even add these anymore I've made myself clear all ready. Cue the story.

Dipper's P.O.V.

"Bill we've been walking for hours, where are we going"? "Relax Pine Tree, we've only got a few miles left to go." "We'd better have not to far to go." We had been walking for 3 hours now, and my feet were hurting. "All right we are here." "Finally, wait why are we in front of an RV"? "Because I know a way to defeat the Puppet King, but we just need to collect different pieces to activate the ritual to banish her to an unknown dimension." "And where are those exactly Bill." "Well Shooting Star, they all over the world." "WHAT." "Yeah isn't it fun."

"No it is not fun." "Calm down Pine Tree, it isn't that bad." "Not that bad, not that bad, my father sacrificed his life for us and is probably dead as we speak. So don't tell me to calm down, besides what if the puppet king comes after us again, we don't have any self defense to protect us, and you don't even have your powers back to full and you might not get your powers back for all we know." Llama, let me speak. I receive my powers in 1 year, 227 days, 16 hours, 47 minutes, and 15, 14, 13. But that's not the point, I can give you powers now." "How, how can we be sure we can trust you after the puppet king probably killed my father." "Because if you don't trust me the puppet king destroys the world." "Ok fine, you win, what are these powers you said we get again"? "Well Pine Tree it's a spell." "Of course." "And the powers are random." "Always a twist, fine let's get it over with."

"Llams dna taerg em depleh ohw seno, Dekcolnu neeb evah niag uoy srewop, Retal nevig eb lliw rewop erom, Dekcolb tcaf ni era esoht won rof tub." After the spell, we floated in the air and we blacked out, I was the last one to wake up but for some reason I felt good and ready to defeat the puppet king. Everyone else were getting in the RV and I got in the driver's seat, we called this home for a years, but it wasn't that bad. "So Bill where to first"? "Well Pine Tree the first place is in, well let's see here, if I remember correctly it is in the United States, but it is in Clarksville, Tennessee." "Well in that case it will take us about 32 hours, so we will be on the road for a while." "Yeah but the piece only shows up once a year and this year it will disappear in about, um 48 hours." "So you're telling me we have about 16 hours maybe less to find a piece to defeat the puppet king." "Yep I sure am." "Ugh." I laid my head on the horn and let it honk.

Pacifica's P.O.V.

"So Pacifica are you ready to get your adventure on or what"? "How about or what." "Pacifica what's wrong." "Mabel, my father was never nice to me, and I'll probably never see this side of him again, what if he is dead and I can't say thank you for saving me and my friends life, what if he defeated the puppet king and he's trying to locate us as we speak, all these what if's are driving me insane. I just want to end all of this misery and go back to school, so I at least know what's going to happen in the future. Not travel the entire earth just to find some pieces to defeat some demon trying to kill us."

"Hey Pacifica, I get it, I lost my father in a car accident, and I never got to say goodbye. Neither did Dipper, and he took it pretty hard. What I'm trying to say is, even if Preston isn't here with us, you still have family." "Who"? "You've got me and Dipper, isn't that enough family"? "I guess you're right but I still feel hurt, like something tells me that my father survived but is being tortured as we speak."

"You're father's fine llama." "He is"? "Yes, he is, he held back the puppet king long enough for us to escape, he did not die, but he did faint and the paramedics came and is treating him back to health." "What a relief, I was so worried." "Now do you want to take down that demon for trying to kill your dad"? "Yes, yes I do." "Dipper floor it, we need to get to Tennessee and quickly."

Dipper's P.O.V.

I heard everything that was haunting Pacifica, the thought of not knowing if your father survived a demon attack does make me wonder if he survived, but Bill said he did so that's good. I put the pedal to the metal and we picked up speed, quickly.

The Next Day

We made it to Clarksville and we only had about 16 hours to find this piece of material to defeat the puppet king. So we started to drive around town, but we didn't know where to look. "Bill where did you say this material is again"? "Well it's hard to know for sure but it looks like it's in a house." "What"? "That's what I'm thinking, did someone find it before us and think it was an artifact." "Maybe they'll hand it over." "Not likely, this person put it in a corner, it'll be hard to get it without being caught."

"So, should we talk to the person with it and see if we can convince him or her to hand it over"? "That's not a bad idea, maybe we can try it." We made it to the person's house and rung the doorbell. After a while a man about the age of 16 opened the door, he wasn't very tall, maybe about 5 foot 8 inches. He was skinny and looked like he was healthy. He had dark brown hair, and his eyes looked like they were hazel but it had a little bit of every color. He had some facial hair growing but it looked like he shaved recently.

"Um, sorry to ask but who are you, and what are doing at my house"? "Hi my name is Dipper, this is my sister Mabel, my, um," "Just call me your girlfriend." "All right this is my girlfriend Pacifica, and this is, now don't freak out, this is a inter-dimensional-all-knowing dream demon named Bill." "So like the Illuminati sign on the dollar bill"? "Yes that's me, named after money."

"So what did you need"? "That necklace is what we need." "Sorry Bill, no chance, this necklace is a one-time deal, it costed me $250 to pay for it, why do you want it anyway"? "That necklace can help us stop a dream demon called the puppet king." "Mabel, can you not just blurt out everything." "No, no Dipper, I understand now. This necklace has some sort of power that can stop this *Puppet King* and restore balance to the universe." "That's exactly it, how did you know"? "Well let's just say, I read a lot."

"So we can have the necklace"? "Llama, you don't just say, 'can we have the necklace,' you have to say, so we can have that necklace right"? "Well Bill, I was going to give it to you guys just like that, but two people asked me and now, I want to make a deal." "What kind of deal"? "Well let's just say, you can have the necklace, IF." "If what"? "Mabel calm down, I'm about to explain, IF I can go with you on your trip."

"Let us talk about it for a bit." "Take your time." We huddled in a group and debated. "So who votes he joins us." "But why do we need him with us anyway." "Bill, is there something else you're not telling us"? "Well, in order for the ritual to work we take a demon, and four other people surround the demon with each of them having a material." "So what you're saying is we need him." "Yeah pretty much." I sighed then we faced the man. "Well good news, and bad news." "I want the bad news first." "Well the bad news, is possible death." "And the good news." "You're in."

"That's all I needed to hear. My name is JJ by the way." "Nice to meet you JJ, I have a feeling we are all going to get along." "Me too, me too."

So how was it? Do you think the OC character of me will turn out good, if not put it in the comments below. Have a good day everybody.

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