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Hello again wonderful rockets!!! How's life??
Aaron that's your que...
*Aaron walks on stage*
Aaron: what is wrong with you!?!?
Me: don't judge me!!!
Aaron: ...
Me: ...
Aaron: ...
Me: Aaron just help me do my intro...
Aaron: why are you making your intro so long? I doubt people want to read all this...
Me: ...just...Something is wrong with me... Just... Don't be ghost readers... Vote, comment, follow... Love yah? Don't hate me...


Viviana's POV.

Day 1.

"She took my sword!!!" whined Holden while carrying Carmelo's limp body.

Sean rolled his eyes.
"Yah, your a great defense."

Charlotte rushed to Carmelo and helped Holden put him on the table.

"You guys were attacked!?!?" I screamed.

"Not really..." Mumbled Davet.

"Then what happened??"

"George-Ann took my sword!!" Holden whined.

"You had a sword??"

"Hardly... Holden, you can't duct-tape pencils together and call it a sword!!" Sean complained.

"Like you have anything better!!" Holden spit.

"Dude even I have a better weapon than you." Will said as he took out his knife.

Davet, Drea, Sean, Will, and I all laughed.
Holden glared at us but you could tell he was holding in a laugh.

"Is Carmelo okay!?" Charlotte asked. "What happened!?"

"Yah tell us everything!" I ordered.

"We found Carmelo on the 1st floor." Sean started "Davet was trying to patch up the cut on his arm so me and Holden rounded the corner and bumped into Gorgie... Then she kicked Holden's butt and ran away..."

I let this sink in.

"Do we need to make her a target?" I asked my voice slightly shaking.

I don't want to have to kill people... Especially not my friends!!! Gorgie and I have gotten really close since the beginning of 7th grade. One of the last things I'd want to do is have to target her...

The boys noticed my uneasiness.

"No, no!!" Sean said "I mean... It was only one time. What are the chances of us even seeing her again??"

I nodded my head. But.... I was still unsure...it's not that big of a school, and if Gorgie was as strong as we think she is than the odds wouldn't be as slim as they said...

I glanced at Charlotte. She was trying to get the bandage off of Carmelo's arm. There was blood all around him. Charlotte was looking really freaked out...

"Oh my God!!!! Is he okay?!?" She screamed.

"Do you think the nurse has been raided yet??" I asked.

"We'll go." Holden volunteered.

"No" I ordered "you guys went to go find Carmelo. It's our turn to go out now."

Charlotte nodded her head while everyone else looked at each other.

"Viv..." Drea started "I... I'm sorry but I'm... I don't think I'm ready to go into a war..."

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