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Suddenly, I heard screams. Terrified ones. I turned my head around, praying it was just my imagination. But no, it indeed was the mysterious man holding a black small gun- pointing it at the cashier. His face was pale, and he held his hands in the air.

"Give me the money, or I'll take the girl." The mysterious man yelled. My throat formed a big lump in its throat, seeing what girl he was talking about. He pointed towards me. "Money, or I'll kidnap her." he demanded again. Everyone stayed quiet, and I finally let myself cry. I looked at the boy behind the cash register and begged for him silently to give him the money and to leave me alone. I do not want to be kidnapped, it would be much worst than being lost.

"I-I can't give you the m-money sir, but please don't t-take the-" He was interrupted by the man grabbing me with much force, I kicked and screamed trying to get out of his grip but it was useless. He placed a hand in my mouth with a towel and yanked the door open, throwing me to the seat. This is happening all too fast, and I can't seem to keep up. Nobody seemed to care that a fragile girl was trying to get out of a man's grip in the middle of the street, everyone ignored us and that gave me a worst impression of New York that I already had. He sat in the car and turned the ignition on, he sped out of the restaurant and kept driving quickly.

     I'm too tired to kick him, or scream. In fact, I'm drifting into a deep sleep like the one I had in the plane. Might as well sleep and not feel what he is going to do to me.




     Fear. What does this word mean? 'An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.' Fear is something everyone has experimented on their lives. Even the most perfect human being ever to walk the Earth has had fear. Jesus had fear of what would happen to him, how he would die. However, he overcame it and rose from the death three days later. Everyone likes to experience unreal fear, when they watch scary movies. Fear is a powerful emotion that makes you act differently as planned. It is anxiety replaced then by stress, and feeling unpowerful. As you can't do anything to stop it. Fear is a common thing in the human brain. Fear is what I'm experimenting as of now in my life, more constant than ever.



     I woke up in a bed. I fluttered my eyes open and scanned the room I was in. It was surprisingly organized, with a glass door holding a view to the city. That's when I remembered the past events. I was drugged by the mysterious man I had earlier shared a meal with. The most confusing part as of now is that I imagined myself dead by now, or even being raped. But instead I find myself in a clean spacious room, painted blue, and reflected with the night sky coming from the glass door. I had always thought that if I would be kidnapped I would try and and find a way to get out, but my thoughts are getting too clouded and it's giving me slightly stupid ideas that cannot work right now. He hasn't done anything to me right? And I have no where to stay. So maybe I'll just keep myself asleep until tomorrow. Maybe he'll leave me alone now, and I can think on ways to get out in the morning.




     I tried to fall asleep but a man's voice was talking too much. I recognize it as the mysterious man's voice and it makes me shiver.

"I want a stupid pizza here okay? Benny, you know the fucking address. I don't have the energy to repeat it. Yes. A large cheese pizza. It better be here in less than thirty minutes or I won't pay anything. Bye." I cringe at his foul language. I now know that he orders pizza often and that the Benny guy is supposed to know this address by memory. That means he doesn't cook often, maybe of lack of money or of laziness I'll go with the first one since he tried to rob a Fast Food. Minutes passed and I began getting bored, a buzz came from outside of the room.

"It was about damn time!" the British voice says. "No, no tip for you. I waited too long for a pizza from a restaurant just downstairs. Bye!" he says rudely and I hear a door closing. I hear footsteps coming my way and I immediately shut my eyes closed, trying to seem as if I was asleep. I hear the door open and the footsteps get closer towards me, I can feel them. The familiar scent of pizza fills my nostrils and a small smile appears in my face. I hear something being placed in a table and the footsteps seem to fade and eventually the door closes. My heart soon stopped beating as fast as before and I slowly sit down on the bed. The room is completely empty and I see a box of pizza beside me, with a glass of water. A note is on the side.

*Enjoy.* It reads. I hold a confused look in my face and hear footsteps again, coming towards this room. I move around quickly in the same position I was in earlier and the door creeps open. "I know you're awake love, but I'll let you be. I'll handle it tomorrow, goodnight." he says towering over me, I keep my eyes shot and I feel a blanket being put above my body. I'm left even more confused than before. He kidnapped me and then brings me food and a bed to sleep in? My head is spinning and I decide that it would be best if I go to sleep. "Goodnight mom and dad." I whisper before letting a loose tear fall. I feel myself close my eyes and drift into a peaceful sleep.




   I open my eyes again and sit up straight in the bed. I now notice that this room has two beds, and that the other one is empty but messy. Someone slept there. Nerves and disgust flow through me, I slept in the same room as a kidnapper. My empty stomach growls and I think it's time for that pizza. I grab the box and take one slice. I slowly bring it to my mouth and eat it with pleasure.

   After I ate half of the pizza, I set it down on its earlier place and chug the water down. I sit there waiting for something to happen, or someone to come into the room. But nothing. The place is completely quiet and I get too bored. I decided to roam through the room. I stand up and walk towards the glass door, I decide to stare at the passing cars for a bit. Later on I walk towards what seems is a dresser. I open it up and on the top shelf there is at least six beanies, different shades of dull colors. The clothes match the colors of the beanies, all dull. They're all T-shirts with V necks and a couple of jackets. All of the jeans are black and the shoes are in the floor, and all converse. One pair is black, one white and one is of leather. There is a mirror and I stare at myself. My button nose is pinkish, my blue bright eyes are dull as always and my hair is a tangled mess in the ponytail. I let it go and shake it a bit, it makes me feel alive. My mother never allows me to wear my hair down.

"What do you think you're doing?" a husky British voice asks, I bit my lip knowing who the person was and who he was talking to.




(Hi! Please vote and comment! The room is at the side:) thank u all so much for your support! xx)

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