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"What? Are you joking?" I say laughing of this man's crazy idea. He can't be serious. Two weeks, without my parents knowing if I am alive or lost? No.

"Yeah, I want to show you how to live." He says as if it were the most obvious shit in the world. He's insane. "How long will your parents be gone?" he asks expressionless. "Two weeks and four days." I answer folding my arms.

"Well, two weeks and then I'll pay you your flight back to your house and when your parents come back you act as if you were never here in New York." he pauses. "Simple,"

"Simple?" I laugh mockingly. "I do not know anything about you! Not to mention the fact that you kidnapped me?" I try to explain but he huffs and rolls his eyes. "Don't huff at me." I demand making him laugh.

"Then don't annoy me." He says rolling his eyes again. "Look, I'm just doing you a favor okay? Unless you want to be a nun for the rest of your life and not get any fun with it then okay, get out of my car." he demands and my mouth is wide open. I am truly offended that he called me a nun. Yes, I am inexperienced sexually and pretty much in every other way but he still has no right to call me that!

"So, if I don't accept it you're going to kick me out of your car into the freaking cold outside? That's unbelievable." I speak running a hand through my hair.

"Pretty much, yes." he answers and I know I'm pissing him off. "I'll do it," my mouth speaks before my mind. "But I have my conditions." I quickly recover and his face falls. "No sex, drugs, alcohol and if I want to leave early I will be able to." I speak after briefly thinking of my words. "Fine then. But you'll have to clean my apartment." He speaks smirking evilly at me.

"Wait n-"

"You would've thought it through before agreeing eh?" he says playfully. I'm surprised he even has a playful side, he's more of a rude asshole to me.

"So, now can I know something about you? Name for example." I turn the conversation around, maybe I can trick him into telling me more information than needed. I actually think of studying Investigation of Crimes, I've been trapped in a house for over 17 years but I know how to read people easily. I know for example that he hides many secrets, too many. That is why he has this constant worry in his face, but that worry can be mistaken for anger. He is almost never angry, he is just worried. At least of what I've seen of him. His worry shows of his constant crease in his eyebrows, and how he breaks eye contact so easily. He's the hardest person to read I have ever come in contact with. I remember when I was 13, I'd sneak out of my house and go to the park and I would just sit there and try to read people. It wasn't exactly the best hobby but I have never even owned a television device or even a board game.

"Name, I'll leave it for later. Something else maybe." he answers trying to hide his smile. I thought for a moment what I should ask him, just one simple question. One question that will answer a few I have for him, on question that I pray will lead for other questions. "Have you ever loved anyone or anything?" I blurted out, my cheeks rose a light pink and his face turned into a frown. He's thinking, and he's probably in blank.

"No one. I have never loved anyone before." He answers clearly annoyed and looking away from me. I stood silent not knowing what to say. He just left me speechless.

"Oh."  I spoke awkwardly. The ride went on silent, I continued watching the people pass by and shuffled with my fingers constantly. "Where exactly are we going?" I broke the silence and he ignored me. I rolled my eyes and I saw him smirk, I think he likes annoying people for fun. Ass.

"To teach you how to ride a bike." he smirks backing up the car. My heart beat quickened and fear appeared inside of me. Not because of riding a bike, because I actually agreed to let this man/boy show me how to "live" a life "correctly" and I don't even know his name. What kind of idiot am I? Why did I get into this mess? Ugh, I should've just stayed in his apartment and escape and looked for a Police Station, but I agreed to this weird deal. 

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