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A sudden anxiety coursed through Aideen making her grip onto the mysterious man's chest tighten up a bit more. He smirked silently and began warming up the motorcycle. He knew she was going to be safe, but she didn't even believe it. The vehicle started moving to a quicker speed she hoped for, and he laughed loudly hearing her shrieking sound. She got mad and pouted like a baby, making him smile, a real smile. Something he never does. He speeds the bike around the old mansion, where the living room used to be. Adrenaline coursed through both of their veins and they connected in a weird but powerful way. He loves doing this, he does it all the time. It makes him feel free and alive, in his lost world of endless regrets and stupid decisions. For the first time, Aideen feels alive too. She's beginning to realize what she has missed in all her life. A bit of anger forms in her, anger towards her parents and family. She has never met or seen anyone but her parents and that is just cruel and vicious.

  The motorcycle steps into where the family room used to be, where it would be filled with the latest technology. Now it is filled with dust and tire tracks on the floor. A bit of red painting simulating blood on the walls to make the badass effect seem even more realistic. He speeds up, where a ramp is. There was located stairs there before they scratched them off, making it now a ramp for skateboards and extreme sports. They were now in the second floor, it was only used for dining and food. They pass the kitchen and there are mini bumps making them both jump up and then go back to their usual spot, only that her body connected more closer to his. He groaned silently in slight pleasure, but she didn't hear it. 

  His smirk returned once he quickly looked back and found her smiling the brightest it has ever been, her blue eyes aren't dull anymore and they're filled with life. Once he looked back, a bigger smile appeared on his full lips. He made her smile and that made him happy. Happy is something this curly haired boy is not used to be. Guilt filled him once again, he can't possibly be doing this and then keep his promise.


  I have never felt this way, ever. This unexpected wind hits my face and it tickles. My stomach drops and flips whenever he runs through a bump, but I like it. My body is even closer to his and it slightly keeps me warm, it is strange that it does that. We haven't spoken any words between us, but there is no need. I am enjoying this way too much than I should be. 

I see the familiar place from earlier, it is the beginning of the "track". I found out that indeed it was a mansion, but it got abandoned and some biker kids took charge in it and built a motorcycle track for fun, not having to worry about the busy streets of New York. I'm guessing this place is illegal though, I hope there aren't any drugs.

"Well Aideen, did you like your first ever experience in a vehicle other than a car or a plane?" the man asks me, getting off of the motorcycle and then getting on it again, but facing me. He looks at my face and half smiles at me biting his perfect lips.

"Yes, I loved it." my whole body heat turned completely warm, warmer than before. His body is practically pressed onto mine, only a couple of centimeters away from each other. He was practically straddling me.

"Mmm, I knew you would." he says licking his lips in a seductive way. He gets off again and I try to do it, but struggle. He groans impatiently and I glare at him. Would it kill him if he could just help me? Ass.

"Can you help me?" I ask as kindly as I could, but if I could just punch him right in his perfect face- wait no, I don't want to ruin his face. Maybe his chest? No. Either way, I don't know how to punch and I don't have any strength to do it. I hadn't noticed that I was already in safe ground and he had left already to talk to Mark. He's so annoying.

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