The Fading

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Things seem to be getting harder,
Days longer
And life just a bit less worth living.
It all takes a toll, I keep it inside because i dont want to become a  nuisance but it's almost too hard to keep contained anymore...
I'm hurting inside more and more everyday and it's not stopping...
I want them to be enough
I surround myself with all of these wonderful kind uplifting people, and it hurts me to say this because they mean so much to me...
But they just aren't enough anymore, For a while they kept me from falling apart but now that effect that they once had is fading along with a piece of my soul...
I want them to be enough because they are my family, my life, my reason to live...
But now I crave more, I want more than friendship I need a companion who will put me before all else just as I would him.  I need a rock and a miracle needs to find me fast because I am fading even faster, nothing comes easy for me anymore, everything takes a toll.
All I think about anymore is what am I going to lose today...
More sanity?
My will to keep going?
My family?
My friends ?
My hope?
Today's answer is simple , I lost more of my soul,  I lose a little bit more every time I see you... I don't know how much I have left but I do know that it won't last forever and I need you now,
I need you to save me, for I am fading quickly and soon I won't even be able to say your name or look into your beautiful eyes and think that I feel at home drowning in your chocolate orbs.
Please,   save me
I don't want to fade...

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