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Where am i??

Dan rushed around the room. It felt so strange, yet so familiar. He scanned the room, still unsure of what he was looking for or what he was doing.

He sat on the floor and put his face in his hands, sobbing.

"Help me!" He tried to yell, but no sound came out. It was as if he had choked on the words.

A tall figure emerged from the corner of the dark room, moving very quickly towards Dan.

He tried to scream, but yet again, no sound came.

As the figure inched closer, Dan scratched at the floor and moved as far away as possible, but it seemed as though this creature was inescapable.

It put it's hand on Dan's chest and all he could see was blinding, white light.

Dan awoke with a jolt. His mother had been sitting on his bedside for 20 minutes trying to wake him up.

"Finally, you're awake," she sighed and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Come, now. Get dressed. We wouldn't want you to be late on the first day of school."

Dan had been home schooled up until his 7th year. Mum had decided it was time to get him out into the world so he could make friends.

Dan groaned and put his face in his pillow.

"But it's so eeaaarrllyy," He complained, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"I know dear, but this is how it will be until you graduate. You need to experience the world! Get out more and socialize!" His mother urged him to get up. "I've made you some pancakes!! When you're ready, you can come downstairs and eat before we leave," she rose from his bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Dan forced himself out of bed and walked into his bathroom. The tile floor was cool and soothing beneath his bare feet. The sight in the mirror was unnerving. His mottled hair and droopy eyes. He hadn't slept much that night. He had had at least 4 nightmares, awoken by each and every one of them. He wondered why Mum is making him do this now.

After straightening his curly, brown hair and squeezing himself into a pair of skinny jeans, he made his way downstairs to eat breakfast and head off to school.

"Have a great day!" His mum told him as he stepped out of he car. "Make some friends!"

Friends were the last thing on his mind today.

He stopped by the office to get his schedule and a map of the school. He didn't want to have to ask for help from anyone.

On the way to his first class, he lost his balance and his books went flying in front of him.

As he was picking them up, a boy that looked a little older than Dan, stopped and helped him.

When all his belongings were gathered, the boy looked at him and smiled.

"Hello! I'm Phil!"

A/N I know, I know, it's trash. But it's my first time sooo....just....try not to kill yourself while reading thanks loves :3

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