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Dan groaned and rolled over to face his alarm clock.

5:30 am


He slammed his hand onto the device, stopping the ear piercing beeps.

He threw off his blankets and dragged himself to the bathroom. He patted down his hair and brushed his teeth.

After getting dressed in his usual black tshirt and jeans, he went downstairs where he knew his mother would have breakfast already made, but when he got downstairs, he wasn't met with the pleasant smell of pancakes and bacon.

All of the lights were off except for the one above the stove.

When he got to the last stair, his still bare feet stepped in something wet. It was too dark to see so he automatically assumed his new puppy had peed there.

"Doge! God dammit," He swore under his breath.

He walked towards the kitchen to turn on the light. He looked down at the floor now that he could see and put a hand over his mouth to muffle his scream.

His feet were coated in a dark red liquid.

"What the hell??" He whispered to himself.

He inched slowly towards the stove and looked out the window.

It's still dark.

He turned the corner and gasped.

His mother was lying on the floor in a pool of the dark red liquid.

"M-mum?" He said, shakily. He got on the floor and crawled nearer to her. He put a hand on her shoulder "Mum??!!"

His father was at work and Dan was alone. He examined his mother's seemingly lifeless body. There were multiple deep cuts along her body, her clothes were drenched in blood and tattered. There was a deep stab wound, leaking blood on her throat.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to burst into tears, but he was numb. He pressed his back against the wall, his mouth agape.

His dad should be home any moment.

He felt heat behind his eyes and his throat hurt. He was crying.

Then he saw it. The same tall dark figure lurking in the shadows. It stood and watched Dan.

Dan could feel his heart leap to his throat.

"You...You did this!!" He felt tears streaming down his face.

He reached into the drawer and took a knife and ran at the figure. But was stopped. It felt as though the creature was holding him away even though it wasn't touching him.

Dan fell to the ground, helpless. He gave up.

He stayed on the floor as the creature approached him.

It leaned down and whispered into Dan's ear.

"It's okay, Daniel," it pointed to the area next to the stove, where his mother was lying just moments before. Now she was gone. "That wasn't your mother,"

Dan realized that he had never looked at the woman's face and she was a bit thinner than his mother.

He then turned to see that the figure had deep crystal blue eyes. He gazed into them but his attention was snatched away by his mother, entering the room, holding a blade. Blood was dripping from her hands.

"Mum?" Dan gasped. His mother smiled gently at him.

"I love you," she mouthed back then she disappeared into the darkness.

Dan was panting heavily when he woke up. There were tears flowing down his face.

His mother ran into his room and held him in his arms.

"It's okay, sweetie. It's okay," she calmed him. "Did you have another nightmare?"

This was Dan's first day of highschool and nearly every night since his first day of 7th year, he'd had terrifying nightmares. His mother was deeply worried about him.

"Do you want me to call Phil and tell him that the meet is off?"

"No no no, I'll be fine mum,"

Dan and Phil had remained friends since Dan had first started public school. He didn't want to cancel their big plans today.

By the time Dan had recovered and gotten ready to meet Phil at the park, the dream had been erased from his thoughts.

It was just the other day that Phil had come out to him as gay and Dan felt that it was time to come out of the closet as well.

He ate breakfast, put on his shoes and hurried outside to his bike. The park wasn't too far away.

"Come on, Dan. Let me pick you up!" Phil had said the day before. Phil is three years older than Dan so he had already gotten his license. But Dan insisted that he go by himself.

When he arrived at the park, he saw Phil sitting on the bench. His tall, handsome figure. Dan had fallen head over heels for this boy.

Phil turned his head and saw Dan approaching him. He stood and walked over to greet him.

"Hi!" Phil exclaimed as he took Dan in for a hug.

"Hey!" Dan felt butterflies in his stomach as they hugged.

"So why did you want to meet again?" Phil questioned as they sat on the bench.

"Um..." Dan rubbed the back of his neck "I wanted to tell you something.."

"And what would that be-" Phil was cut off as Dan leaned forward and pressed his lips roughly against Phil's.

Phil had to steady himself so they didn't fall. Dan pulled away.

"Uh sorry...." Dan tried to apologize but Phil just smiled.

Phil took Dan's hands and kissed him.

"I'd been waiting for so long for you to come out!" Phil buzzed with happiness. "Come on!"

Phil stood, took Dan's hand and walked to his car.

"Where are we going Phil?" Dan was confused but filled with excitement.

"It's a suprise!" Phil said as they got into the car and drove off.

A/N oh boi oh boi oh boi...things are about to get steamy. Prepare yourselve!! :3

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