
31 1 1

"Oh my God! Dan, I am so sorry!" Tears formed in Phil's eyes when Dan showed him his freshly marked arm.

They were sitting on Dan's living room couch. Phil took Dan into a tight hug as salty tears sprang from his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm okay," Dan tried to reassure him as he pulled away to wipe away his lovers tears.

Dan's father had left just hours before Phil came over. Dan's mother knew how much Phil cared for Dan, so she called him immediately after she cleaned up Dan's wounds.

"I love you so much," Phil said, softly and leaned in to kiss him.

But just as the boys' lips touched, the front door flew open. Dan jumped and was immediately overcome wth fear at the sight.

His father stood in the doorway.

He looked angry. His left hand was curled into a fist and his right hand held a metal bat.

"This is MY house!! And anyone under MY roof will obey ME!!" He yelled to the three and he started towards his son.

A strong pain shot through Dan's skull as the bat made contact with the side of his head.

Everything became a blur.

He fell to the floor and he felt another sharp pain as his father kicked him in the side.

It was as if the world was in slow motion.

Dan stared helplessly as Phil attacked his father. He tried to scream, but no sound came. All he could do was lie there and watch.

His father had pinned Phil to the ground and hit him over and over again with his fists, making Phil's face bloody.

The last thing he saw was Phil lying on the ground, motionless and his father moving towards his mother....


Dan came to in a strange, bright room. Everything was white and he felt cold.

He looked to his left to see Phil sleeping in a chair. His pale face was bruised and his bare chest was wrapped in bandages. He had a white blanket draped across his shoulders and his knuckles were busted open and covered in dried blood.

Phil opened his eyes and looked at Dan. It was as if he could sense Dan's staring.

"Thank God," Phil sighed in relief, "I'm so glad you're awake."

He stood and walked towards Dan and kissed his forehead.

"H-how long was I out?" Dan asked as he touched the side of his head.

"You just slept overnight, suprisingly. Your dad gave you a pretty good beating."

"I can see he did the same to you..." Dan trailed off. He'd just noticed that his mum was no where to be seen.

"Yeah, but I'll be alri-" Dan cut him off.

"W-where's mum?" Dan asked, completely ignoring whatever Phil was saying.

Phil looked down, " mum is...." he spoke as if he were unsure how to word his sentence.

"I-is she...?" Dan had automatically assumed the worst. Anxiety pricked at his heart.

"No, no, no," Phil cut him off. He felt bad for making him think something so awful. "Sorry," He looked down.

Dan felt relieved, "So where is she?"

"Uh," Phil rubbed the back of his neck, "She's here, but she's in pretty bad shape..."

"I want to see her," Dan demanded.

So Phil helped him out of bed.

"Ouch!" Dan fell back onto the bed. He was in pain in so many different places.

"Yeah, you're hurt pretty bad" Phil answered Dan's question without it even being asked yet.

"How badly?"

"Well," Phil started,"You have three cracked ribs, a broken collar bone..." Phil paused for a moment,"and your skull is fractured."

"Wait, isn't that...fatal??" Dan questioned, now wondering how he was still alive.

"Yeah, yeah it is..."

"How am I even alive??"

"Lucky break..?" Phil said nervously and bit his lip.

Dan just let it go and Phil helped him stand again, this time didn't hurt as bad.

The boys made their way down the hall.

"Oh thank goodness!" Dan's mother exclaimed when they entered her room. "I was worried sick!"

Dan leaned down to hug his mother. He saw that her face was also bruised and there was a cast on her left arm.

"I'm so glad you're okay, mum. I love you."

"Do you remember what happened, dear?" His mother asked, concerned.

He nodded slowly.

"Well, don't worry about your father. He is in jail. I don't know what came over him but I'm glad we're all okay....You too Phil!"

Phil had been sitting in the chair across the room. He looked up and smiled softly when he heard his name.

"You two go on and get some breakfast!" She urged them but Dan was reluctant to leave his mother's side, "I'll be fine," she reassured him. He finally agreed due to his rumbling stomach. Dan stood and walked out.

"I'll love you mum!" He called before he disappeared through the door. "Come on Phil,"

When Phil got up to follow Dan, his mum gently grabbed his arm.

"Thank you," she mouthed to him.

He kissed her hand and walked after his love.

The two boys made their way to the cafeteria hand in hand, happily as though all was right with the world, but Phil knew all wasn't right. He chose to let the love of his life continue to be happy in his oblivion.

A/N okay, I'm proud of this chapter. I'm going to continue to make each chapter at least 700 words a piece. I hope you enjoyed! New updates coming soon! :3

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