Chapter 5

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(A/N: Before starting today's chapter, I want to thank you all for the 100+ reads! Means a lot to me that this story is going on the right track. For this achievement I plan to double update this Saturday so be ready! Now back to our original programming.)

Lauren's POV:

"Ugh that fucking alarm! Next time I need to remind myself to turn it off on the weekends."

Lauren like usual, slammed her fist right to the alarm, but this time her alarm broke into million pieces making a loud sound.

"LAUREN! WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!" Aunt Clara screamed from the kitchen.

Lauren after trying to figure how the hell did her fist managed to break the alarm instead of hurting like a bitch, she just said "UM.. NOTHING AUNTIE! EVERYTHING'S FINE!"

"OKAY! JUST MAKING SURE." Aunt Clara said afterwards.

Lauren finally got up from bed but felt weirdly..more..lighter.

"But how am I weighting much more lighter? Did I loose 50 pounds overnight?"

After a couple of seconds trying to figure out what is really happening, she remembered about the spider bite. Now hurriedly she went to her bathroom mirror to check her neck if there was any sign of the bite but somehow there was nothing.


Then Lauren went to her bigger mirror in her bedroom, lifted her shirt up to check if the spider bite was anywhere in her body but she strangely found something that clearly surprised her.

"What the hell? Look at my arms.. They are so big.. And my stomach has suddenly developed well toned abs.. I surely don't remember going to the gym for so long to gain these toned muscles."

Everything was so confusing and strange like if it were to be a dream.

"This must be a dream then.. But I'm wearing the clothes that I changed to in the dream. Could the radiation spider have caused this?"

Lauren hurriedly went to her computer and searched up the radiation spider symptoms. Unfortunately none of the results compared to the results she's gotten from the bite.

"Okay Lauren do not freak out.. Never mind I AM freaking out."

After some time of thinking, she decided to test her "strength" by lifting the bed. She easily lifted the bed with one hand and every time she tried to lift it with 4, 3, 2 and even 1 finger and easily managed to lift the bed without any complications.

"This is some supernatural shit!"

Lauren put her bed back in place without making any noise. She wasn't now exactly exhausted but a little tired, so she put her hand on the wall and felt her hand stick to the wall, then she tried it with her other hand and the same thing happened. She then had an idea and started crawling up the wall until stopping at the ceiling.


Lauren then dropped down to the floor without making any noise.

"Hmm.. Let's see how these powers truly work."

Rapidly, Lauren changed into a shirt, sweatpants, tennis shoes and a beanie and at the last minute she decided to slide on the stairs pole and landed perfectly on the floor.

"When did you learn to do that Lauren? That was very impressive." Uncle Mike said.

"Honestly I don't know.. I decided to do it and somehow I landed perfectly. It's all about the gravity you know?"

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