Chapter 4

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It was crazy, insane even, yet somehow, he wasn't afraid.  Within the last few hours, he had been chased by men he could not see, grabbed by a dragon, and been told on two separate occasions that he is that last hope for this world's survival.   He had every right to be scared out of his mind, yet he wasn't.  He had something that kept his mind on track.  He had something to keep him going.  Allyssa.  He realized two things in that moment. He loved her more than he could love anything else, and he would do everything in his power to keep her safe.

He watched her as she read from the book.  He heard and understood the words, but his primary focus was on the beautiful girl right in front of him.  Eventually, she stopped talking, and it took him a moment to realize that she had finished her explanation of the book.  "Is that it?" he asked.  "That's the basics, but there are many more details in here that you just have to read.  For example, there are other intelligent races out there, but those three seemed the most prominent."

He chuckled.  "Put the book down for a minute, and come here, please."  He motioned for her to sit next to him.  After a moment of hesitation, she did what he asked and sat next to a now sitting Gabriel.  When she sat down, he put his arm around her and pulled her into hug.  Allyssa quickly returned the hug, but when they separated, she asked, "What was that for?" Gabriel smiled and said, "I just wanted to..." The rest of his words were lost as a large gust of wind suddenly filled the cave.  Allyssa practically shrieked with joy when she said, "Silver's back. I wonder what she brought this time."

Before she could run away, though, Gabriel had taken a hold of her wrist, preventing her from leaving.  When he finally had her attention, he said, "Can you help me stand up?"  She then face-palms herself for being so inconsiderate.  With a little help, Gabriel found the he could walk slowly with minimal assistance.  Allyssa was right.  At this rate, he would be fine by sundown.  

When they entered the main cave, the sight before them was not what they were expecting. Instead of one large silver dragon, there were three large dragons, one silver, one purple, and one gold.  The dragons stood there, watching the two small human, gauging  their reaction.  After a few moments, Silver spoke. "Little ones, I trust you are well rested.  Are you hungry?  Do you need anything?"

Allyssa just simply said, "Silver, who are your ... friends?"  Silver made a sound much like a sigh and seemed like she was about to do something that she would regret.  "I am sure that Merrick told you most of the basics, and left even more information in his book.  However, as only an apprentice to one of the last of the order, there are some things that he simply did not know. You may want to take a seat for this. I have a lot to explain."  

Once everyone had taken a seat, including the dragons, Silver began her tale.


"Dragons are incredibly long lived creatures, matched in longevity only by the elves.  Theoretically, we could live forever, but even dragons feel the weight of time and choose their time to die.  That being said, I am not old enough to have been there during the time of the first order, but I have know many generations of the Order.  Me and many other dragons spent a lot of time with them from generation to generation.  We know more about the Order than most history book could possibly tell you, but there are some thing that you will just have to find out on your own."

"What I have to say is the reason why these two dragons are here with us now.  Originally, there were only seven members in the Order, but as time went on, that number slowly changed to fourteen members, each with a varying numbers of apprentices.  However, every time a new member was inducted, there was something about the event that would draw dragons form all over the world.  The new member would then stand before a large multitude of dragons until one stepped forward and touched him or her.  Sounds simple, I know, but there is actually so much more than that.  All those dragons were drawn there, but only one would feel drawn to the person."

"This all happens because of some alliance the first Order forged with the dragons.  An ancient magic was cast so that every time a new member was inducted into the order, a compatible dragon would be chosen to protect him of her.  They would be inextricably bound together, and on that day, they would become one, dragon and rider.  With the Order gone, many dragons had feared that this sacred bond had forever been lost.  However, you two represent the return of the Order, and with its return, dragons will start to be drawn to their new riders.  That is why these two dragons are here with me right now.  They were drawn to you almost as soon as you arrived, and now they are here to fulfill their sacred oath and bond with their new riders."


Some time during this incredible speech, both of the new dragons had moved to a position beside Allyssa and Gabriel.  They were close enough to feel the heat coming off of their scales, but not close enough to touch them.  The dragons just sat there, like they were waiting for them to say or do something.  Finally, Gabriel looked at the dragon beside him.  He saw that this dragon was not actually gold colored.  At a glance it looked gold, but on closer inspection, he saw that the scales were actually diamonds covering a pure gold core.  The effect was dazzling, and he suddenly had the urge to just reach out and touch this magnificent creature.

"Hello, Companion," said a rough, yet comforting voice.  "My name is Ashe."

Soooooooo Sorry I have not updated all winter.  I promise you I am not dead.  What started as quality time with friends and family soon turned into one crisis after another.  Hopefully soon I will be updating the next chapter of this story along with a rough map that I will be adding to as the story progresses.  Also, please give me some feedback.  It is hard to write this properly without knowing what you think.  Thoughts, comments, concerns, anything wrong, or anything you want, please let me know.

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