Chapter 5

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Once again I must apologize for taking so long with my updates

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Once again I must apologize for taking so long with my updates.  To those who don't know, I am in college, and it is extremely difficult for me to find free time to write this.  And when I do have free time, I am usually so exhausted that all I can think about is sleep.  I have not forgotten this story, and I am not dead.  Everyone who has been waiting for this next update, I must thank you for your patience and apologize once again for my lack of writing. And now, without further ado, Chapter Five.

When he came to, he was cold, stiff, and alone. The floor he had apparently slept on was cold hard stone.  The room was so dark, he could barely see his hands right in front of him. He had no memory of how he had gotten there, or anything before the moment he woke up.  The only memory he was able to piece together was his name: Jacob.  All of this he put together within his first few moments of consciousness.  Seconds later, once he was fully awake, a blue glow began to spread out around him, illuminating his surroundings.  Sadly, due to the darkness, the light left him temporarily blind once again.  Once his eyes adjusted to the blue light, he notice two things right away.  First, he was in what he could only describe as an underground cellar or basement.  Second, the blue glow was coming from a beautiful and intricately carved ring on his right ring finger.  He was so mesmerized by the ring that he completely lost track of time until he heard a loud growl.  Two things suddenly became very clear to him.  He was very hungry, and he needed to get out of that cellar.

By the light of his ring, he found a set of stairs leading to a door on the far side of the cellar. As he reached the base of the stairs, however, he was blinded once more by the light coming from the now open door.  A moment later, he saw a figure standing in the door way, and he heard an elderly woman's voice saying, "Well it's about time. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to show up. Well come on, don't just stand there.  Come and warm yourself by the fire while I get you something to eat."

Once he reached the top of the stairs, he was led to a spacious, yet simple room with a roaring fireplace and two comfortable looking mats laid out in front of it.  Already sitting on one of those mats was a young girl about his age.  When he came into the room, she turned to face him, and a single memory came flooding back to him as clear as day. He knew her, he knew her name; Chelsea. A moment later, when their eyes met, he saw that she recognized him as well.  She was instantly on her feet and already moving toward him when she said, "Jacob?" as if she were afraid he wasn't real.  Another thing became incredibly clear at that moment; he and Chelsea had been extremely close at some point. Despite knowing this fact, he couldn't piece together a single memory or event related to her other than her name and their relationship. So, after a moment, he replied, "Yes, Chelsea. It's me."

Before another word could be spoken between the two of them, the elderly lady startled the two of them briefly out of their shock when she said, "If you two would just sit down on the mats by the fire, I will have some food and drink ready for you in just a moment." And with that, she left the room through another door to the right of the fireplace. Once he was seated, Jason tried to get a better look of his surroundings, but his gaze kept returning to Chelsea.  She was the only thing even remotely familiar to him, and while familiar doesn't necessarily mean safe, it did provide him with a sense of security.

Just like she promises, the elderly woman came right back with a platter of cups and sandwiches. "Please, eat, drink." she said, "I imagine you have many questions, and I will answer as well as I can, but first you must eat." And eat they did. As soon as they had taken their first bite, their hunger took over, and the platter of sandwiches was empty moments later. The elderly woman just sat there, politely watching them eat, and when the sandwiches were gone, she offered each or them one of the cups on the tray. "Drink, please." And drink they did. The drink was sweet, but with a strange flavor that he just couldn't place. So, when he had finished, he asked the elderly woman, " Ma'am, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly was in these cups?" The lady replied, "It's my special tea. I typically brew it only when I have guests, which isn't very often"

"Why is that?" Chelsea asked. "Well," the woman said. "That story begins many generations ago with the formation of the first Order of Light"

I know this isn't much. Believe me, I wish I could write more, but at the same time as college, I have a big problem of writers block at this point. I know what I want to write, the problem for me is how to write it the way I want. If you have any tips or suggestions for this that would be great.  I will update as soon as I can, but I cannot make any promises. It is now that last month of my first year of college. If I get through this and my writers block, chapters MIGHT start being published faster. Also, I will eventually go back and change some details in the previous chapters to fit with this map. Also, if anyone is actually reading this, PLEASE COMMENT (something other than, "I like it. Keep writing."), CRITIQUE, CRITICIZE, AND SUGGEST IDEAS!!!! You have no idea how much your comments help people like me write these stories. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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