Chapter Four :P

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Chad’s P.O.V.

I sat at the kitchen counter eating bacon and blueberry pancakes when the door bell rang. “Who is it” my mom asked heading towards the door.


“Lisa?” I asked nearly choking on my bacon.

“Oh come in dear Chad is in the kitchen” my mom told her

 “Thanks Mrs. Stevens” Lisa replied.

What the hell is she doing here, “Oh Hey baby” I said as she entered the kitchen.


 “What are u doing here so early in the morning?” I asked looking up at her.

 “Well I was heading out for school to reach breakfast in time and since I was passing your house I just thought we should head out together!” she said happily.

“But I’m not ready yet”

“That’s ok I can wait” she said as my mom walked into the kitchen

 “Want some Breakfast?” I asked


 “Mom can Lisa – ”

“I’m on it” my mom answered putting a plate of bacon and pancakes in front of her.

“Thank you Mrs. Stevens”

 “Your welcome sweetie”

“Oh yea uh……. Chad I want to talk to you about something” she said as the door bell rang again.

 “I’ll get it mom” I said as I walked to the door “Hold that thought lis. Who’s there?” I asked.

“It’s Haley” I heard and my heart literally skipped a beat as I hesitated to open the door.

“Hey Hales what are you doing here?” I asked seeing she had a huge suitcase behind her. Am I dreaming? “I know I asked if you wanted to run away with me when we were younger but don’t you think we’d need money for that? And we’ll have to sing on the street for money if my mom doesn’t support us but I guess it would work. Don’t you think you’ll need more than one suitcase? And we’ll need….”

“Chad! What on earth are you talking about?” she asked with a hint of amusement and oh-he’s-gone-crazy-again in her eyes.

“I thought you were. What are you doing here at 7:00 in the morning bumble bee?” I asked grinning at her “Do you bring presents in that huge suitcase you got there?”

“Yeah ‘cause I’m Santa clause! Get out of the way boob” she said trying to push me out of the way.

“Aren’t you gonna tell me why you’re here first? You haven’t even said good morning. How rude Haley. I am very disappointed so I’m gonna close the door now and we’ll try it again” I said closing the door and she rang the door bell so I opened the door “Oh hello Haley how are you this morning?” I asked.

“Your mom’s coming Chad” she pointed behind me and being the idiot I am I looked behind me and she pushed me half way out of the way and screamed as I grabbed her trying to pull her back on the outside but she bit me and ran. I caught her by the waist and threw her over my shoulders as she stepped into the kitchen and turned to head back to the front door “Auntie Clare!!” she shouted in between laughter

“Chad! What on earth are you doing?!” my mom demanded and I froze in my tracks. Oops.

I looked around at my mom by the sink with a shocked look on her face “She was being rude” I whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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