Alexa's POV
"YES I DO, WHO SAYS I CAN'T?" I shout back at Zayden
"This affects me, I say you can't"
"Your choices are awful, so I choose"
"Fine then," he stands up and pulls the TV plug from the wall
"Zayden wha-"
"If I'm not choosing, no one's choosing" he cuts me off
"You.. you.. YOU'RE A CHILD! TURN IT BACK ON!" I yell, growing impatient
"Nope" He pops the 'p' and smirks at me
I get up to turn the TV back on so we can watch the movie but he blocks the way
"ZAYDEN!" I whine, knowing damn well there's no way I'm getting past him if he doesn't want me to "WE CAN'T HAVE A MOVIE NIGHT WITHOUT MOVIES, THIS MAKES NO SENSE"
He smiles at me "Guess you'll have to let me choose the movie then"
I poke at his sides and Zayden being extremely ticklish moves from side to side trying to escape my fingers poking at him "STOP STOP STOP" He breaks out into a laugh "Alex- plea- STOP!" He gets a hold of my wrists and holds them in front of him while catching his breath before glaring at me "I told you no tickling me! You promised!"
"The situation called for it" I chuckled "now, let go"
He stares at me blankly "No."
My eyes widen when he starts waving my arms around aimlessly, my body jerking with each movement, he gets a bit too excited and raises my arms up high and I have to stand on my tip toes "ZAYDEN, LET GO RIGHT NOW!"
Zayden's eyes twinkle and the corners of his mouth turn up before he sprints to my room, still holding on to me, he caught me off guard which caused me to stumble over the edge of the rug in the living and that was when Zayden decided it was the right moment to just let go of my hands and let me fall face first onto the floor. I groan in pain and lift my hand up to my nose; I look over at Zayden who has doubled over with laughter, not a minute later I feel warm liquid trickling down from my nose and rush to the bathroom. A second later Zayden appears at the door and I tell him to get me something frozen to put on my nose, when the bleeding stops Zayden trails off "I guess this means you get to choose..."
"You wish, you owe me a car ride and ice-cream"
"It's 1 am" he dead pans
"I don't care, you're taking me for ice-cream this very minute"
Zayden gets up and walks to my room, he comes back a few moments later with his hoodie, that he always leaves at my place, and gets me an oversized jacket from my closet while I put on my shoes
We decide to walk instead of drive; we walk through the dimly lit street with the wind, a soft howl that passes through my hair and hits my face. The street is empty save for the few drunk university students who I assume are stumbling their way to their dorms. It was quiet, a nice kind of quiet, the kind of quiet where I always imagined ideas and dreams were born- varying from 'perhaps I should change my major' to 'I'm not happy and I'm gonna change that' to 'I'm gonna change the world someday'.
I thought me and Zayden should make a pledge like that, right now and here, it would be a nice story to tell someday "oh yeah, we were getting ice-cream and in the process changed the whole direction of our lives" I snickered, even though I didn't know what the pledge was I still wanted to make it.
"What are you laughing about loser?"
"The great beginning of our great adventure" I raised my arms in the air
Zayden laughed, I'm sure he didn't know exactly what it was either but I think he understood it too, that desire to be something more than just what you are at the very moment, one that so many people have but never fulfill.
"That would be nice wouldn't it, Alexa?" He mused out loud
We were quiet after that, I thought maybe we'd make a pledge now but we didn't. We rounded up the street to find the ice-cream store closed, it was about 1:30AM so I wasn't surprised. I huffed and Zayden sighed.
"Let's go back, Alexa. I'll get you something tomorrow"
I think perhaps not being sure what our beginning is is our beginning. It would be quite a nice beginning I think.

Teen Fiction'We were about to either flunk in university and mess up big time or have the time of our lives; it's go big or go home, right?'