Zaydens POV
I did end up driving to Alexa's apartment because we've had 'arguments' -if you must name it- before and because we've been friends for a bit over twelve years so despite her saying it loudly many times, she does trust me.
I sat on one end of the couch while Alexa sat at the other. I faced her, my arms flailing, words flowing out of my mouth like angry waves hitting against rocks, and face hot with anger while she listened.
"I just don't understand you know? I mean yea they're dead and my aunt isn't a bad person but then there's people like you and both your parents are still around and yet you don't even talk to them! They're still around and you don't owe them anything but they chose you, you didn't choose them. I don't get why they went on that stupid date anyways, they never went on dates! And why just why did I have to get stuck with, the always busy, aunt? Maybe if she was around more often I would've never met freddie and got involved with his stupid deals and I thought I was done? But apparently I'm not, he isn't!" I took a deep breath and spoke again into my hands "I thought I was done, Alexa." She just sat there like she always does, completely silent, I'd think she wasn't paying attention but her brows furrowed at certain words and her eyes darkened. I could tell she was thinking, that she had zoned out, probably thinking about her parents -I shouldn't have brought them up-
"You promised me ice-cream, remember?"
"Yes," I chuckled "I did"
The drive was silent and Alexa put on some song I didn't recognize, we drove to a local ice-cream shop that was Alexa's favourite place. Once we were seated at a table Alexa spoke through spoonfuls of oreo flavoured ice-cream "Let's have a small get together the day before christmas?"
"So, basically christmas eve? Don't you think they'd like to spend it with their families?"
"It won't kill us if we asked" she rolled her eyes at me
"I think we should have it at my aunts place, at least she has a tree"
"I do have a tree!" she defended
"That deformed leafless 6 inch monster on your table is not a tree"
"Don't insult Maxwell!"
"We can hang ornaments on my aunts tree," I paused "You know cuz it has leaves and branches and whatnot"
"Oh shut it, you know I can't afford getting a christmas tree" Alexa pointed her spoon at me "Fine, we'll have it at your aunt's place, but we're having a secret santa too"
"You're such a kid sometimes"
"I'm trying to keep up with you"
I scoffed at her "If anything, I'm the adult in this relationship"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night"
I made a group, added: Lukas, grace and the twins, and sent them an invitation for christmas eve; I also informed them that we'd have to meet up soon because Alexa wanted to do a secret santa.
Lukas' POV
"Come on! We're going to be late" Grace said as she stepped out of her room.
She was wearing a white dress with red and black flowers that spread out the further they were from her waistline, it fit her perfectly and reached right above her knees. "Excuse me? I've been ready for the past 15 minutes" I looked her up and down "You look beautiful"
"Thank you! so do you" Her mouth curved into a smile "Handsome! I meant you look handsome, not beautiful, not that guys can't be beautiful, they so can."
As we were making our way towards the car, I spotted a way too familiar face in the distance and despite my prayers, Ally saw me too. "Is that-"
"Yes," I answered quickly "It is." I plastered on a fake smile as she made her way towards us.
"Hey you, it's been a while"
"Hey Ally,"
"How have you been?" She asked. Her cheeks were pink from the cold and she still tied her scarf the same crooked way she always had.
"I.. I'm great, and you?" I stuttered
"I'm good, I got that internship I used to always blabber about" Her eyes twinkled
"Oh, that's wonderful, congratulations"
"Thank you," She looked at Grace "You guys, are all dressed up. You look gorgeous Grace"
"Thank you, you look great as well" Grace smiled sincerely at her
"Yea, um, actually we're running late. Gotta go! It was good seeing you" I said too fast and too loudly. There goes the -I'm totally cool with seeing you around-
"Oh, I'm sorry for holding you up"
"You aren't" I frowned
"You just said you're running late" she chuckled
"Right," I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "anyways, bye"
"Bye, see you"
When we were in the car Grace asked "You okay?"
"Yea, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
"What? With the stuttering and not breathing?"
I looked at her from the corner of my eye as the car jerked forward when I pressed on the gas pedal.
"Oh, that's the one!" Grace pointed towards a house with a big wooden door. Two cars were parked outside and I registered that one of them was Cayson's. Grace rang the doorbell as I fetched the gifts from the car, I reached the door just as Alexa opened it.
"Hey, you guys!" She hugged both of us and then invited us in. When we walked into the house we were greeted by the smell of cookies and hot chocolate; the house was bigger than it looked on the outside, a large chandelier was the master piece around which the stairwell curved, the marble floors were a subtle off-white color and a mosaic decorated the floor. The living room looked cozy, the walls were covered in family pictures with black and white frames, a dark grey carpet covered the floor and the couches were a maroon color; the fireplace was lit and only the spotlights were turned on.A huge christmas tree sat in the corner, it was dressed in fairy lights and ornaments. It gave off a nice -wintery- vibe.
"Hey! Finally! You guys are late" Zayden half yelled across the room "Put the presents under the tree" He handed, each of Grace and I, a mug of hot chocolate "Would you like anything with that?"
"Whip cream, please" Grace said
Zayden picked up the whip cream can from a little trolley that was stocked with snacks and very gracefully put some in Grace's cup "Thanks!"
"Why is there ice-cream on there?" I asked confused
"God, I wish you hadn't asked that" Alexa said and Lace giggled
"Let me explain to you the art of hot chocolate" Zayden spoke "Now, the physics behind a perfect hot chocolate mug isn't, to contrary belief, mini marshmallows. It's actually contrast"
"Contrast?" I questioned
"Yes, much like a beautiful photograph or painting, contrast brings out the best features of anything, even people. Opposites attract, my dear friend." He lifted the lid off the ice-cream bucket and nodded his head towards my mug "May I?"
"You see, when the ice-cream is put into the hot chocolate it doesn't just melt away, it creates a stream of cold as you drink it and makes it sweeter without dimming out the chocolate flavour, try it" He said excitedly
I did, and just as he had explained I felt the stream of vanilla ice-cream along with the hot chocolate. "I can die in peace now, it's so good!"
"Contrast" Zayden wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Teen Fiction'We were about to either flunk in university and mess up big time or have the time of our lives; it's go big or go home, right?'