Now and forever.

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"Ya I'm on my way." I say before I put my iPhone into my back pocket.

I throw on my uggs and dash down the stairs with my keys and my backpack.

"Where are you going Megan?" My mom stops me before I can open the door.

"I'm going to Ashley's party mom."

"Since when? You never told me about a party at Ashley's." She gives me a concerned look.

"Mom calm down. I'm not 13 anymore. Im 16. Your like best friends with her mom anyways."

She nods and moves out of my way. I'm shocked that she would just step down like that. She's been acting weird ever since my dad went to jail almost a year ago. Hmm.

I push the door open and step out into the crisp night air and start my truck. I can't help but feel guilty for how I treated my mom. I honestly don't know what's gotten into me. I'm off my period so I guess that has nothing to do with it. Maybe I've also been effected by my dad leaving.

"Hey Megan!" Ashley says as I enter her house and take off my shoes.

No one seems to be here yet. Not even her parents.

"Where are your parents ash?" I ask.

"On a business trip. For a couple days." She smiles and sets out a bunch of food.

"This is gonna be one hell of a party."

"You know it." She sets out a cooler and turns on some music.

I open the cooler and it's filled with beer. I'm not really taken by surprise since Ashley can get away with a lot of things. Here's hoping no one gets caught.

As people start arriving the music get louder and louder. People are laughing and screaming as they get thrown into the pool. Cups are getting thrown all over the ground and people are making out in Ashley's bedroom. Just a typical high school party I guess.

I continue to make my rounds chatting with friends and cleaning up as I go. As I reach ash she shoves a beer into my hand.

"What's this?" I ask.

"It's beer Megan. Have you never seen it before?" Brayden asks wrapping his arm around Ashley.

Oh I've seen it before. My dad got arrested for drunk driving. My eyes fill with tears as I look at the glass Budweiser bottle. Ashley waits for me to take a sip.

"Can someone open this for me?"

They laugh a bit. Then Cassandra takes the bottle and hands it to Alex. He quickly pops the lid off and throws it into the pool. The bottle returns to my hand.

"To hell with it." I put it up to my lips and take a big sip of it.

I feel it burn it's way down my throat. My face kinda twists up and I adjust to the sensation. I have to admit it's kinda good.

"I like it." Ashley gives me a high five and we all continue to chat and drink.

Soon I've gone through 3 bottles. At least I think it's been 3. My mind goes foggy and I soon loose myself. I jump Into the pool and then I find myself making out with a football player from school. What was his name?

"Guys I better go. My mom is gonna flip a shit if I don't return home before 12:00." I place my last empty bottle down.

I say my good byes and hop back into my truck. My mind is still racing and I can barely see. I decide to just shake it off. I only live a couple minutes away from here anyways.

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