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Now before we begin, let's go over the basics. Y/n is just an ordinary girl with ordinary skill and ordinary, well, everything. Not that it's bad to be a plain jane. But then again, looks can be deceiving.
Her control on chakra was unmatched. Her chakra amount in general was off the charts. This "plain jane" hides behind her mask and brick wall.  She hides everything.
To most, she is just another face in the crowd. Just another snotty brat people ignored. She was nothing, boring even, in their eyes. She wanted this though.
She never spoke to anyone. Never sparing a glance to those around her. They would leave her be then.
Deep inside her though, was sorrow as deep as the great oceans and anger fulled from the fires of hell. Her reason behind her pain: abandonment. Her parents wanted nothing to do with the life that created. Their love meant nothing, only a fling of a one night stand. Y/n was just a punishment for their night of fun.

Her story begins at the age of six. Her mother dropped her off at the front gates of Konohagakure. Well, more like walked with Y/n in the deep woods for hours, going on circles, then finally having the child find berries for that night's supper. When the child wasn't looking, the mother sped off without a thought of remorse for her child. If anything, a sigh of relief passed through her lips as she ran.

"Mommy! I got us berries!" The child runs to the spot she last saw her mother. "Mommy?" The child's thin lips quiver. "Mommy?!" Sobs choke her, almost swallowing her words. "MOMMY!"

That morning was no different than any before it. Y/n had woken herself up at the first rays of sun light, made breakfast for herself and her mother, and went to read in a nearby clearing. She knew her mother wanted nothing to do with her. She could feel it. She knew not to ask about her father. She knew, she knew no one wanted someone as worthless as she. But she would still try.  Something in her soul told her to keep trying. She had to keep her head up. And so she did. 

After running around aimlessly looking for her missing mother, the child stops at the sight of a large gate. "Child, what is your name?" One of the men at the top shouts to her.

"Y/n," she struggles to say. Her throat was too raw from her weeping to speak clearly.


"Mai." The guard motions the others to open the gate. Once open, a boy with long black hair and obsidian eyes is in view.

"Y/n is it?" The boy speaks, only receiving a nod from the girl. "Why is someone as cute as you alone out here?" He had walked to the child slowly, as if she would ran away from him.

"My mommy left me here," Y/n stutters out. "She told me to go get berries, but when I turned around, she was gone! She doesn't care for me! She never wanted me! Not even daddy wanted me." Her sobs free more violent with every confession to the boy before her.

"Well, Y/n," he smiles kindly to her and kneels to her level. "I'm Uchiha, Itachi. From now on I'll be your big brother." Her weeps slowly but surely turn to sniffles. "Let's go to the Hokage and see what happens from there." Y/n's lips slightly turn upward, forming a shaking smile.

"Ok Ita-nii. Let's go."

Plain To Their Eyes (Naruto X Reader) ☆Various☆Where stories live. Discover now