{EDITED}Six Months Earlier
"Gabrielle?" I heard my father call, my head snapped up trying to pinpoint his waving hand from the line of people in front of me.
My lips turned upward, "Excuse me." I murmured, squeezing through the crowd, weaving across the pews of the church, shuffling through the gaggle of people as I went. Murmuring the same phrases over and over again.
Mondays were havoc in the church, more so since my father had agreed to partake in the collection of the cans for the Food Bank every Monday. Being the only church in the town for miles, my father felt obliged to help the less fortunate. He always said it was 'What Jesus would have done'. And I always rolled my eyes.
My father was well known in our town, he was a kind and considerate man, those traits are probably needed if you're going to be the only Priest for miles around. And he accepted that I didn't follow and sort of religion. It just wasn't my stuff.
He smiled when he saw me, and the wrinkles on his face appeared as I got closer.
"Yeah, Dad?" I nodded to him, as he pointed to the mass of people lining up from the outside of our church.
"If you have some spare time-"
I began to shake my head. I didn't have any spare time, I couldn't miss the bus, I had to walk the last time and scraped past being late with only a warning. He looked beyond me, clearly ignoring my answer with a cheeky smile.
"Go help those people with the cans before you leave." he suggested, but actually had an tone of authority laced in his words, before I could disagree he spoke again, "Oh, thank you, Gabrielle. You're such a good person."
He looked at me, daring me to disagree. I sighed in defeat, knowing that if I didn't do it before I left he would give me an ultimatum about God and being a good, respectful person.
He scurried off quickly, small chuckles leaving his lips as he weaved into the crowd. I ran my fingers through my knotted, brown hair and took off towards the people.
★★ ★★ ★★
I was seriously late and I knew I had missed the bus.
After helping the people, more and more people starting coming up to me, rudely handing me their cans and hurrying off to get on with their day. More and more people piled up and I was certainly overworked.
And then my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, literally found to me.
I'm not even joking.
I stood outside the church, my arms stacked full of cans, I wobbled on my feet, petrified that I would slip and fall over. When a dark black van, sped up to me parking right in front of where I stood.
I recognised it immediately and cringed.
Painted in white on the black van was giant Christian crosses, dotted across it. I had managed to escape the wrath of the Jesus Wagon for all my life, it was the only vehicle that went to the elderly's houses and collected them so they could still go to church. But the elderly smell that clung to the seats wasn't the most embarrassing part .
It was the giant plastic statue of Jesus Christ himself that was placed at the top of the van, with his arms spread wide.
It was mortifying.
I hid my face behind a wall of my hair and hoped that the driver didn't see me.
But knowing my luck, she obviously did.
"Gabrielle!" Patty squealed, rushing out of the van and towards me. "Climb in, sweetie, I know you're late."
I backed away, but she had me cornered and was taking the cans out of my arms. "No, really it's okay! I've walked before!" I attempted to convince her, shuffling away slowly.
"Nonsense! Who would I be to let a young girl like you walk out in the cold! Come on in."
And by just looking at the determination in her eyes, I knew I couldn't escape my social suicide.
I sat silently, twiddling my thumbs in my lap as Patty hummed to the hymns blaring out of the van. I rubbed my forehead. Trying desperately not to picture my the public humiliation and could only wish that the school could burn down before I get there.
I noticed we were getting closer to school, "If you just drop me here," I pointed to a spot by the road, and watched as she drove past it without a second thought, "...or, not I guess. Anywhere is fine."
"It's perfectly fine, Gabrielle, I'll just quickly drop you off in school. And then my mind can be at rest and I will know you got there safely."
I sucked in a breath. And squeezed my eyes shut. "You really don't have to. I'm thankful for what you've done and I wouldn't want you to go through all the trouble-"
"It's no trouble at all."
I knocked my head against the back of the headrest and gave up. Accepting that I would literally die today.
Patty drove straight through the school gates, Jesus guiding her as the hymns blasted through the speakers.
My prayers hadn't been answered.
Not at all.
The Jesus Wagon practically summoned people towards it as the boisterous religious music blared from the speakers outside the van, not to mention its mortifying appearance. I felt my face heat up tremendously.
She parked to the side of the entrance, "Have a good day!" She beckoned, ushering me out of the van.
I looked to my feet, horrified.
Without hesitation, I bustled through all the other students, hearing them snicker and giggle as the van sped off, the hymns travelling with it.
I wanted to curl into a ball and let the dirt sweep me up, taking me to the depths of hell.
I searched the crowd for Rob, finding a will to escape.
After spotting him I dashed over, and he glanced at me knowingly before hurrying off too.

D U S K ✔
Teen FictionHe was leaning up against the wall of the bus stop, his muscular arm above his head, his jet black hair was messy as the wind scraped past it as well. "You're surprisingly good at avoiding people," He stated, the deepness of his voice shocked me;...