Chapter Twenty-Nine

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  A long pause was heard on the other line, as my heart pounded in my ears. My head was spinning, the room was a blur of darkness and dim lights. Aching with stress, my entire body was quivering and twitching with uncontrollable tremors of shakes that would surely leave me exhausted soon enough.

  "It's going to be okay, Gabby." I heard, looking down with heavy eyes at the phone next to me. I had put it there a few minutes ago. I wanted to grab for it; my hands were stiff and immovable, hanging around my knees. All I could do was listen.

  "You know what, milkshakes are on the house, for next time, okay?" 

  He voice was unsure and somewhat shaky, and sent another onset of sobs splintering through my form. Just outside the house, a car door slammed, followed by two more but it all blended into the pounding blood in my ears. A surge of relief filled me, and slowly I relaxed, leaning my head against the wall behind me.

  The door slammed open and Adam stormed in, he immediately caught my eye. "Are you hurt?" What happened?" He rushed over, crouching down and gently pulling my arms away from my knees. He grasped onto my hands and lowered his voice. I still couldn't look at him. "Sunshine? Tell me what happened?" 

  My voice was stuck in my throat and all I could muster up was weak and volatile sobs, with quivering breaths. I shook my head, hiding it behind my knees. I didn't want him to see me like this. 

  I felt his hands on mine, slowly prying open my fist and I knew in that moment he had found the bullet.

  "What the fuck?"

  I lift my head up as he stands, only then realising that we weren't alone.

  Two guys stand in the corner, and Adam throws the bullet to one of them who easily catches it. "What is on that fucking bullet, Solomon?" Adam shouts, running a hand through his hair and tugging. "Why the fuck does she have a fucking bullet!" 

  The boy, who I assumed was Solomon, pulled out his phone using it as a torch. From what I could see, he squints, bringing it closer to his face.

  "I swear to fucking God, Gabby did someone hurt you?" He moves closer to me, and I watch as his jaw clenches, even though I'm shaking my head, his voice darkens as it lowers in volume, "No one's going to touch a single-fucking-hair on your head. I swear." He paused for a moment before stepping away again grunting out profanities.

  I thought back to the last time I had saw Adam, where I was positive I wouldn't see him as intimidating as he was the first time we met, but looking at him now I wasn't so sure. 

  "Solomon, what the fuck does the bullet mean?" 

  Adam paces again and the two remain quiet, "Link, go calm him down." Solomon says, moving closer to the window. Link grunted and made no move to go towards him.

  Nonetheless, Adam muttered a simple, "Fuck off." And came to stand back over near me, looking me over. 

  "Gabby, I need you to tell me what happened?" He demanded, squatting down to my level. 

  I spoke in a quiet, hushed voice. As though one wrong word would send Adam flying off the wall. My voice was sore and my head pounded with unanswered questions. Seconds passed an just as I began describing the man, I was stopped.

  "Oh, shit." 

  We all turned to Solomon, as an eerie silence dawned on us. Adam glanced over at me before striding towards him. They spoke in hushed whispers, every now and then Adam would cast a glance at me over his shoulder.

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