Cautiously, I tugged the grey hoodie closer to my face, keeping my eyes planted on the floor and only daring to look up when Rob was talking directly to me.I looked to Rob, as he blasted on about a new video game, I didn't realise I wasn't listening to anything that he was saying, and began staring right through his face, I'm sure I looked high.
I thought back to last night, and remembering Adam's eyes had me subconsciously cowering back. I gulped, snapping out of my trance as Rob's eyebrows knitted together.
I shook my head slightly, feeling guilt creep into my expression, "Yes, Rob?" I bit my lip.
"I asked you why you were wearing a hoodie? It not that cold outside?" He announced, gazing out the nearest window in the class.
I leant back on my seat, pulling my lips into a thin line, "I thought it was chilly this morning," I lied through my teeth, "so I grabbed it."
He shook his head, muddled, "But why do you still have it on?"
I scrunched up my nose, "Ah." And I shook it off, placing it on the back of my seat and slid lower down in the chair.
I felt as if I should move across the country, and change my name. I was that on-edge.
Rob stared at me like I had grown two heads, his eyes glazed over as he obviously attempted to figure out what was up with me.
"What is up with you?"
I shrugged, unsure of what else to say, "Nothing's up, Rob. Drop it." I snapped.
He looked taken back for a second and I instantly felt awful, I opened my mouth to apologise but Rob put his hand up, his face flushing.
He looked embarrassed for a moment, before speaking again, "Oh, God. Gabby, I didn't mean to, uh-" he scratched his eyebrow, looking down at the seat, "if it's the, um- lady time I really didn't mean to uh-" he looked around the room for an escape.
I took the opportunity, "You're right, Rob." I explained, lying again, "but it's nothing you needed to worry about." I smiled awkwardly.
He nodded stiffly, his face as bright as a tomato and rubbing his hand against the back of his neck.
We didn't speak much for the rest of the lesson, and I had never felt so awkward around Rob.
It was obvious that he didn't know what to say either.
Around lunch was about the time Rob plucked up the courage to speak to me, it was about a new assignment we had been given nevertheless, I felt much better about everything.
That was until the lunch hall fell into a deadly silent, tense atmosphere.
The chatter stilled, and everyone froze in their place. I looked up briefly, watching everyone turn their heads to the main doors of the lunch hall. I squeezed my eyes shut momentarily, already knowing what was most likely going to be stood there.
But I just had to make sure.
Peering behind the side of Rob's face, I attempted to shield most of my view, or at least what Adam Valentino would be able to see of me anyway.
I observed the doorway, and just as I expected, he was stood there, glowering at the mass of people, with their judging eyes, piercing through him.
Adam was a tall guy, that was for sure, taller than Rob, and Rob was 6ft. He almost always wore black, at least whenever he actually came into school, and he was always wearing the same, old leather jacket.
It was almost as if if was his symbol of rebellience
His eyes were a deep brown; they could almost be classed as black, and paired with his onyx-coloured hair his entire look secreted a dangerous warning, that his reputation could already provide.
He scrutinised the mass of people, and I hit behind Rob's back, staring at his blonde scraggly hair, like they held the answers to life itself.
I heard a door slam, and was greeted by the steady increase of murmurs which soon changed back into its usual shouts and laughs as everyone turned back to their seats.
Relief surged through me and I took a moment to gaze around the room as Rob silently turned back to his sandwich.
Glancing back at the doorway, expecting for there to be a cluster of people, nodding away at some remark or giggling as their friends made fools of themselves.
But unusually, it was empty.
Until my eyes landed on the man leaning up against the door's frame, his shoulder slouched in a casual position.
I made eye contact. Wanting to crawl further into the depths of hell.
It was Adam.
He maintained our gaze for seconds and only when I quickly spun my head the other way, was when I felt his stare burn holes in the back of my head.
I fidgeted in my seat, earning a worried glance from Rob, who didn't mention it, but his face flushed a light pink. I rolled my eyes.
I glance back down at my food, suddenly I wasn't the slightest bit hungry.
Punching the tray away from me, the bell exploded with noise, signalling for all students to get back to lesson.
My hands shook slightly, as I pushed on my arms and willed my legs to start moving.
"Are we still gonna work on that assignment together, after school?" Rob notified me, as if knowing that I had already forgotten.
I mentally face-palmed, "Yeah! Yeah, I just forgot. I'll see you after school, meet me at my house, I guess?"
He smiled, "Yeah, okay. I'll see you then."
I waved at him, knowing he had a different class.
Panic flooded my every vein as my eyes met with Adam's again.
He must know. He has too. Why else would he be looking at me, all stalker-like.
Hoping for a smooth and quick escape, I narrowly merged into a crowd avoiding Adam's hawk-like stare as my head bobbled with everyone else's.
Soon enough I arrived at my class, a felt all the adrenaline flow from my body.
At ease, I went into the classroom.

D U S K ✔
JugendliteraturHe was leaning up against the wall of the bus stop, his muscular arm above his head, his jet black hair was messy as the wind scraped past it as well. "You're surprisingly good at avoiding people," He stated, the deepness of his voice shocked me;...