Chapter 2

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Lauren's pov

I started driving again, and soon pulled up outside Camilas house. I walked up to the door and I couldn't believe who answered it!...

"Demi! Your here!" I shouted as I flung myself at her inviting embrace, she just hugged me tight

"Hey, oh my god laur! what happened?!" looking down to kiss my forehead she noticed my tear stained face, I just looked at her and buried my face in her chest, I felt her stroke my hair and I knew she knew, what was wrong.

Demi's pov

I was in the kitchen, making lunch for Camila, Selina, Sofia, Tom, Payton and Rythian. Yes, I am married to Selina Gomez and yes, we had 5 kids, natural births, not adoptions (A/N okay, I think I said some of them were adopted, but I've changed my mind, I also said Demi was Camilas sister, I ment Sofia, I had an original plan, changed it after I wrote the first chapter and forgot to change it again). I just finished making the sandwiches when I heard a light nock on the door. I quickly set the plates on the table and made my way over to the door. I opened it and the sight I saw broke my heart. Lauren stood, tear stained cheeks and her car, packed with her bags.

"DEMI!" she screamed as I put my arms out, welcoming her in a hug

"Hey laur, oh my gosh what happened?!" of corse I knew what happened, I'm such a fool sometimes...

Lauren's pov

After I pulled away from the long, well needed hug, I smiled at Demi, she just got back from a 5 month tour, so I missed her. A LOT! she's like my second mum

"Dems, I was uh, wondering if I could um, maybe uh stay here for em, a while? you know, like sin//"

"Lauren, why are you asking? you are welcome here anytime. Mila is up the stairs, in her room doing her school work, go up and well get your stuff from your car later"

"Okay, thanks Demi" I said with a smile, walking in and shutting the door behind me. gosh I love this family! I trudged up the stairs, walking into Camz room. their she sat, Indian style on her bed, glasses on, her hair falling over her face, looking at math books. I walked over and sat beside her, her head not moving once.

"Out Rythian!" she said pointing to the door

"Thanks babe, love you too" i kissed her cheek and she looked up, grabbing my face and pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"You scared me Lo! I thought you'd done it again, I thought you'd broke our promise, what's wrong though?"

"Well, I um, I came out to my family, Chris told me and Tay he was gay also, but didn't tell mum or dad, said he's not ready, Chris and Tay support me, they have my number saved as Lana on their phone, and they know I'm living here, my mum and dad? they don't even care, apparently I'm a disgusting creature" I felt my body shake, and a sob escaped my lips, Camz pulled me into a hug and I lay my head on her shoulder, one of her hands rubbing love hearts on my back and the other massaging my ribs, which by the way, I broke four of the other week... drink story. Not explaining it!

"Laur, don't worry, you'll be fine yeah? you have all of us, Tom, Payton, Rythian and Sofia all accepted me, I'm sure they'll accept you! My mums are fine with it as well, it's not like they could say they weren't!"

"Yeh, I suppose, can we just cuddle?" I asked, looking up and Camila pouting.

"How could I say no to that face?" Camz whispered, inching closer to my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I love you Lauren Michelle Jaurequi, so, so, so much" I felt shivered go down my spine as I felt Camila whisper that against my lips.

"I love you too Camz. I wouldn't be here without you, you saved me from Myself " I wasn't scared to admit that. without Camila, I wouldn't be here. I'd be far under the ground. Not where a 17 year old girl should be.

"I know i did, and I'm glad I was your saviour, have you ever thought if out future Lolo?"

"What do you mean babe?"

Camilas pov

"What do you mean babe?"

"Well, you know, us, getting married, having kids, our own house, our career, just the usual, you know?"

"Yeh, I have princess. And I know theirs going to be another girl in my life"

"Lolo, are you seeing someone else?" my heart just broke into a million pieces, I moved away from Lauren and went to start walking out the bedroom door, tears running down my face

"Babe stop! no I'm not! you didn't let me finish! I was going to say, and she'll call us mummy"

"Lolo, that's so cheesy" camila burst into a fit of laughter whilst saying this, and I tilted my head back, laughing at Camila's comment to me trying to be cute,

"Well I'm glad my cheesyness makes you laugh babe" Lauren pouted and i tried to kiss it away, but Sue turned her head so i kissed her cheek

"Come on babe, I'm sowee" oh my god. It's not working! I looked at me with my puppy dog eyes and a pout and she gave in, leaning over to kiss me.

Lauren's pov

I have in. I can't say no to Camila's puppy dog eyes and pout. I leaned over, kissing her. one of the worst days of my life, turned into one of the best! Now I have my Camzi, all to myself, 24/7

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