5 - If Perchance I Could Prevail

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I no longer cared about anyone downstairs, I just wanted to go home. People would be looking for me and I sure as hell didn't want to just remain here doing fuck all. If what that red fringed numpty was saying was true and that people were being held captive and/or killed in the palace then I didn't want to just sit back and let that happen!

I snarled and punched the wall, and not long after I heard footsteps bounding up the stairs. Great. Cyrus walked in and glared at me, which I more than happily returned.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just got a bit angry at the fact I'm being held here against my will so I punched the wall. Problem with that? Then why not just let me go."

"I'm afraid we can't do that, although it pains me to even think that, Princey." I felt my fists clench up a bit, and he obviously noticed as well because he did the exact the same, "Go on then, throw a punch - see what good that'll do you. I know you have basic military training, but get this: I've lived a rough life so I properly know how to defend myself."

I snorted and turned my back to him muttering something that came out as "whatever". He murmured something in response but I didn't care. I just stood staring out the window waiting for him to leave. When he did I finally let out a "thank god that prick is gone."

However, what I didn't count on was Cyrus being able to hear me and him storming back into the room, fury blazing in his eyes and he looked ready to fight.

"You have no idea how nice Kier was, bringing you here when he could have just left you for dead. The way you treated him, Drew and myself, I'm kinda wishing that he had. Drew was being ridiculously nice to you - something he never is to strangers after what he's been through. If I was you, I'd just back off of him, and the second all this is sorted out I want you out and never to come near my friend or boyfriend again," he spun and started to walk out.

"Boyfriend?" I almost sneered.

He turned back round, fury in his eyes, "Yes, boyfriend, hell I'd be surprised if you didn't know what that was or what friendship even was, your fucking highness. If you hurt Drew in anyway I will kill you because he's the best thing to ever happen to me and no one is going to take that away from me. Especially not a piece of shit like you."

I jumped up and shoved Cyrus back, "Piece of shit?! You're off your head if you think that that;s what I am. LOOK AROUND!, Look at where you live and how you live! Get your act together before you start saying things like that-"

I was interrupted by his fist connecting with me jaw, sending me stumbling backwards, "Shut up. You know absolutely nothing about us or what we do to survive. You've lived your life in that stupid palace, getting everything you've ever wanted. So you lost your parents? Oh boo bloody boo, you're not the only one to have that happen to them! Grow up, Princey."

I was fuming as I watched him leave, slamming the door behind him. I sat back down on the bed with my fists clenched. I wasn't going to stay here and be insulted by someone like him, no chance, no way.

                                                                   *                     *                    *

Stupid Prince thinks he owns the fucking place, well if he truly thinks that then he's got another thing coming to him because he's wrong, the voice inside my head was saying. Jeez, if Drew could see me now he'd probably be scared out his mind at how I was acting.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind for now and just flopped down onto the sofa and let out a long sigh. I was tired - no, that was understatement of the year - more like shattered beyond belief. I closed my eyes and simply waited for sleep to take me.

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