25 - I Look Up To The Sky And I See A Monster...

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The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Kier sitting next to me, his head lying on my side and fast asleep. I sighed and for a moment everything was a little fuzzy with what had gone on between me and him... and when it hit I let out a quiet sigh. I didn't even have the energy to be mad or upset with him right now, I was too tired and felt like shit.

I sat up and carefully moved him off my side so his head was now lying on the couch and swivelled off before standing up and shuffling through to the kitchen. My head was pounding and my vision was slightly off as I tried to focus on what was in front of me... but I guess that could be expected when I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for three days...

My feet hardly left the floor as I made my way across the kitchen and to the sink, grabbing a glass from the side and filling it with water before downing it almost all in one. Jesus Christ it was beautiful. I leaned back against the counter after refilling the glass once again and just let my mind wander over everything that had happened, so much so that I never even heard the smaller Luke skip in.

"Good morning Your Highness," he chirped, hopping up onto the counter beside me with a massive grin. "How are you feeling today, sir?"

"A little groggy," I croaked, sipping at the water. "I'm sure that once I eat something I won't feel this bad."

"Oh! I can help with that!" He hopped back down and started running around the kitchen, grabbing various things from cupboards and throwing them beside the cooker. I watched him with my head tilted slightly before I actually had the guts to ask him what he was doing. "I'm going to make you pancakes! I learned to make them in the palace ages ago... and they're about the only thing I actually can do..." He laughed a little and started making up the mix before adding it to the pan.

"Can I do something to help?" I asked quietly, feeling bad for the little guy running around making me the food.

"No thanks, I got-"

"LUKE!" A voice shouted from outside the room as the taller Luke wandered into the kitchen, stopping in the door and smiling at me before jumping across the room and pulling me into a tight hug which I gratefully returned. "Good to have you back Laurence," he said, clapping me lightly on the back.

"It's actually good to be back... much rather than the alternative that is," I laughed, pulling away from him and giving him a warm smile.

He returned that then turned his attention to the kid who was wobbling about on his tip toes as he tried to get something out from on top of the cupboard. "And you - you shouldn't be walking about with your ankle in the state it's in."

"It's fine - I'm making breakfast for everyone. It's taking my mind off the pain and everything."

"Luke Lucas you will go through to the other room and sit your butt down. I will make the food for everyone, but you're not putting any more pressure on your ankle." Luke turned and pointed out the door and back through for our small friend to follow and go sit down.

Little Luke pulled a face and half stomped through to the other room before flopping onto the sofa and pulling a blanket over himself, mumbling under his breath, which earned a chuckle from the both of us in the kitchen.

Luke moved away and took up from where little Luke had finished, but now one question circled in my mind. "What happened to Luke's ankle?"

"The Cardinal threw a dagger at his foot," he mumbled, plating up some of the pancakes.

"What?!" I stood up straighter and looked at Luke with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he-"

"That fucker! I found myself snarling as I thought about that arse laying a hand on someone in this house. "He had no right to do that, especially to him!"

As Hollow As A Mannequins Grin (Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now