9 - I'll Be The Life Of The Party

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Hobbling as fast as I could down the streets of Grandomina I heard the bells ringing, signalling that they'd worked out that I was gone. I picked up a jacket that had been discarded at the side and slung it over my shoulders and pulled the hood of it up so it masked me face. Just as I did, people began flocking out onto the streets looking around and wondering what was going on. No wonder. The bells hadn't been rung since the night of the massacre ten years ago, some of the people who were looking around either wouldn't have been born yet or were far too young to remember anything.

New found guards that were loyal to the Cardinal suddenly appeared in the street on horses and I ducked myself behind a group of people that swayed to the side to allow the men to pass. One dismounted and stood addressing the crowd, "Citizens of Grandomina, you've all to head to the main square at once! The Cardinal would like to address you all immediately!" He hopped back on his horse and trotted back the way he came, the crowd following after him in a daze like state.

I, however, did not and took off the opposite way. No one paid much attention to me, and even though I desperately wanted to talk to some of the few faces that I recognised in the crowd, I didn't want them to get hurt because of me. 

Soon enough I was on the outskirts and going over the little that broke the wall between the city and the forest. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care, I just kept on walking. I kept my gaze focused and fixed in front of me, but I just let my mind wander: Where was Laurence? Had he gotten out okay? Who'd helped him? How did he know to leave?

I stopped thinking thoughts like that when I almost fell over, not from tripping over anything, but from dizziness and I had to sight down on a nearby tree stump. Everything was spinning and making my head hurt, there was nothing I could do though. I stood up, knowing I couldn't stay here so close to the city but dropped down instantly.

My eyes closed and I felt myself dropping out of consciousness, yet what felt like mere seconds later I was opening them only to see two figures standing above me. I couldn't make them out as my vision was blurry, but I didn't have the energy to panic.

"Who are you?" 

I wasn't expecting that one and I'm not sure if they heard me but I croaked out "Luke" before dropping my head back down.

                                                                 *                       *                       *

"If he's not back in that cell by sun down, I will kill you personally!" I snapped, shoving him against the wall. Luke was gone. These blithering idiots had let Luke escape and now he was gone. How was I going to find the Prince now?! "Call a meeting of everyone in Grandomina. I want them to know who's in charge here."

A brief "yes sir" came after that and I watched as the two Heartatacks and the Captain slithered away down the hall. I felt my lips retreating into a snarl and I punched a mirror as I stormed past, not even stopping to watch it shatter beneath my fist.

I walked into the room that I commandeered as my own and changed into fresh robes so that I could address the crowd that had already started gathering outside judging from the noise that was building up outside. They're here to see me speak and boy, are they going to get a surpise, I half smiled to myself at the thought and walked out the room, shoving a red haired boy to the side when he didn't move out my way.

He scurried away and I continued striding down the corridor until I was inside the large oak doors at the front of the palace. Put on your best "I'm sorry to have to tell you this" face and get out there. You're in charge, the little voice inside my head said and I smiled.

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