Chapter 2; Reconnecting

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Dean’s POV

I saw AJ standing their saying her good byes. Then everybody started cracking up at something Nikki said. All I could think about was that it had something to do with me. I soon got lost in my thoughts thinking what if AJ thinks I’m a joke? What if I’m too mysterious and dangerous for her? I think I’ve ruined my chances ever since FCW ended we just haven’t been the same. I always thought of her as someone I could talk to until three in the morning, make breakfast at nine at night, and play endless games of mortal kombat. I use to have so much fun with her she was my ray of sunshine that could brighten my day no matter how down or mad I was she always made me feel better. I feel like I’m the reason for al-

AJ: Hey ready to go? She said pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Uh y-yeah let’s get going.”


We walked out of the party and into the parking lot it was so cold and lightly snowing. I could feel the icy cold air seep into my body. The icy cold air quickly rushed through my veins sending shivers and goose bumps all over my tiny body. I gasp for a breath of air and felt a tiny snowflake drop onto my bottom lip causing it to tremble. “I should have brought a jacket.” I mumble to myself. As I mumble on to myself about not even bothering to bring a jacket. I feel a warm jacket being put on my shoulders and a warm arm being put around my body pulling me close. I look up and Dean is staring down at me with the gorgeous blue eyes of his.

Dean: “I thought you were cold and I couldn’t sit here and let my little nerd queen freeze.”

“Aww thanks Dean you’re too kind to me.” I say snuggling into his chest as we walk to my car.

Dean: “Anything for the nerd queen.” He says adding that sexy smirk.

We drive off into the night with our windows down blazing the radio as loud as it can go. Singing the wrong lyrics as loud as we possibly could. This was great, I wanted to stay in this moment for ever. I was smiling uncontrollably, this is the Dean I knew not the new Dean. The Dean I went shopping with at 2:15 am to ride around the store in little kid cars.

Dean’s POV

We were having the time of our lives rocking out to some tunes. It was like the good old times, AJ was laughing and trying to sing some Ed Sheeran song. I loved when she laughed it was like a gift from the gods. After we got to the beach I looked over at her while I turned off the car. She looked very concentrated and deep in thought. I poked her lightly in the rib causing a confused look to form on her face.

“We’re here.”

AJ: “Let’s go!” She said as she ran out of the car and on to the beach. I ran after her picking her up from behind. I spun her around in my arms as she playfully screamed at me. I put her down and watched in amazement as she did some gymnastics. She was so graceful, looking like an angel that didn’t have wings.


We ran up and down the beach writing in the soft wet sand. We acted as if we were 5 years old again. We didn’t care who saw us, we were having fun and that’s all that mattered. We finally sat down out of breath. We put our feet at the edge of the water, embracing the icy shiver it sent through our bodies. I loved the way the water washed into between my toes, sending tiny pieces of sand in between each toe. I was brought out of my thoughts when Dean asked if we could take a picture together. I smiled and said “of course we can.” We sat there taking pictures, when Dean’s phone starting ringing with a call from Roman.

Phone conversation (between Roman & Dean)

Dean: “Hello.”

Roman: “Man where are you we’ve been looking for you we’re at the hotel.” He sounded pretty pissed.

Dean: “Oh shit… Sorry I was just…” I didn’t know if I should tell the guys what I was doing and who I was with.

 Roman: “Just what? Dean where the hell are you?” He was getting angrier by the second.

Dean: “I just went to clear my head okay? I’ll be back, don’t worry about me.”

Roman: “Whatever man just get hurry up.” With that he hung up the phone and I did not look forward to going back to the hotel room.

“What was that about?” I asked Dean once he got off the phone.

Dean: “Uh it was nothing. The guys were just worried about me.” He said with a shrug.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get in between you guys.” I felt bad this thing was my fault.

Dean: “No, AJ it’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself, I should have told the guys I was leaving anyways.”

“Okay.” I flashed him a little smile.

With that he helped me up and we ran back to my car and drove back to the hotel. As we were driving I looked at the clock and it read “1:28”. Holy shit how long were we at the beach for. Never mind that I need to call Kaitlyn and tell her I was on my way to the hotel. I pulled out my phone and sent her a quick text. Dean and I talked about where we stand together, we finally decided on ultimate best friends. We discussed this means we can tell each other everything and can’t judge each other. Also that we can make mid-night food runs to the store for waffles and glitter. I was so happy to re-connect with Dean. Life just wasn’t the same without him, I didn’t want to lose him again. We pulled into the parking lot and he hopped out and opened my door for me. We walked to my hotel room, he walked me in and we saw Kaitlyn and Sheamus in bed together going at it. They saw us and embarrassment took over their faces. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I was about to book myself another room when Dean said I could room with the shield. I thought about it for a little while and then agreed to room with them. We walked down to their room and open the door to Seth and Roman arguing about who gets to watch their movie. They froze in the middle of their argument and looked at Dean then me and my bag.

Seth: “Uh…hey AJ what’s up” he said awkwardly as he sat back down.

Roman: “Hey…no offense or anything but what’s she doing her Dean?” He asked with no emotion in his voice

Dean explained everything that had happened that night to the guys and they understood and gave me a more friendly welcome. Dean showed me to his room and I put my stuff down and walked back out into the living room. I sat on the couch as Dean tried to solve the fighting. I listened into the conversation and it was about whether we should watch an action movie or play a board game. I got up to get water, and then sat back down. I let the argument go on for a couple more minutes before I put the idea of video games in their heads. I won the crowd over with my great idea. We sat and played Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto 5, Saints Row 4. We played for a while because nobody had to go anywhere later on in the day. After a half an hour later we all said goodnight and went off into our rooms. I put my boxer shorts on and Dean gave one of his shirts. We climbed into bed and talked to each other till we fell asleep. 


Will Dean and AJ keep their feelings about each other a secret?

How do Roman and Seth feel about AJ?

Will AJ talk to Kaitlyn about walking in on her little sleep over with Sheamus?


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