Rule #9

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Okay so listen up you guys who are still with me.  Rule # 9 is Face the Facts. So I know my dealing with problems usually ends up near the push it down forever and ignoring it until it goes away side of the how to deal with your problems spectrum. But unfortunately as of yet that has not worked here. So it's time to sit down and really look at your feelings and basically face the facts. What is it you want, is it possible, what will you have to do to get it and will it be worth it? 

So it's been a week and I've been thinking about what my mom said and for Friday because drumroll please... I'm staying at Anya's. Which, more importantly means, I GET TO SEE HER ROOM! Don't ask my why this is so important to me, it just is. Maybe it has to do with the fact that she's seen my room and I feel like I need to see hers so I know how hard she's judging me for my messiness. OH MY GOSH what if her room is perfect!? Then I'll feel like a total slob! Before I can freak out about it too much I feel someone's arm around my shoulder. I look to the side and am shocked to find Keeva there. "Hey Enin" she smiles at me and I return her smile. "What's up buttercup?" She laughs then and I find myself laughing too. "Just checking up on my bestie." I smile, "I'm good how are you?" She grins, "Good." I laugh "Oh my gosh we're the same!" She rolls her eyes good naturedly and the bell rings. "See you in class?" I nod and she walks ahead. I turn to take my books and my bag out of my locker when I notice.. Not once did I feel butterflies when she was touching me or when she grinned or laughed. My shock is replaced by a spike of anxiety when the minute bell rings and I have to run to the door of the classroom to make it in time. 

For the rest of the week I catch myself marveling at the fact that I no longer feel anything other than friendship towards Keeva and my stress level has gone significantly down as a result. Anya and I have also grown closer and I can't wait until Friday. "Oh My Gosh I can't wait until Friday!" Anya says from behind me as she is squeezing me while I am getting things from my locker for our next class. I smile wide, "Well it is tomorrow so you don't have to wait too long." "But that's like a whole like 28 hours!!!" I turn my head to look at her "Did you just mental math your way into finding out how many hours away the end of school tomorrow is!?" Anya's muffled "no.." comes from between my shoulder blades. I laugh, "Well if it makes you feel any better I'm excited too." Anya lets go of me so she can grin at me full force and something lurches in my stomach. I find myself smiling despite the fact that I feel like I'm falling. When Anya grabs my hand to walk to class I remember that the thing about falling is, it's not so bad when you aren't alone. 

The end of the school day on Friday couldn't come fast enough. But finally it's here. "We made it!" says Anya cheering as we wait for her dad to come pick us up. "I was a little worried for a second there." she looks at me sideways, "Are you making fun of me?" I put up my hands in surrender, "No way dude, you're way too intimidating." She tries to be serious but can't. Her smile comes out full force and I start to laugh. When we get to her house we go straight to her room. "Have fun girls." her dad calls after us. "We will!" we yell back as we make our way to the bright pink and teal door. Anya steps in front of me and clears her throat. "Welcome to my domain!" she grins and opens the door wide. Her room is amazing, all bright colors and quotes all over the walls. When I get close enough I realize that it's actually her handwriting on the walls! "Dude, I love your room" She looks relieved and her cheeks are a bit red. "Thanks, I hoped you would." I find myself turning a bit red too as I reply, "It's yours of course I would." We watch our movie marathon in her living room until we are sleepy and then we make our way to her room. When we are both changed she clears her throat, nervous. "Uh is it okay if you sleep here with me, I mean I can make up the couch bed or futon or something but last time, I mean at the hotel, you didn't mind so i thought maybe you wouldn't now.." I stop her before she can work herself up more. "Anya it's fine, I promise." She takes a deep breath and smiles. We get in bed and as I am working my way into trying to make myself fall asleep I feel her hand tentatively reach for mine. We meet halfway. By the time she's asleep I have realized something. As I start to freak out about it her hand squeezes mine in her sleep. And again her reassurance is effortless. I smile and squeeze back. 

Fact: I like Anya. 

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