Rule #7

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So as terribly as I feel about not inviting Keeva to the beach with me I wouldn't take it back. I want to go with Anya. I want to have fun and not have to worry about what I'm doing or how I feel. Which brings us to Rule #7: don't think. If you have a weekend, a day, or just a moment to not think about being in love with your best friend. Don't. Don't think about it and be free for that small amount of time.
Anya and I helped my mom pack the car after school and we jumped in. Because of my mom's terrible sense of direction the GPS (who's dashboard stand is broken) gets the front seat. Which is fine by me since Anya and I spend the entire drive to the beach singing our favorite songs and making up silly dance moves. We are so (i)n-sync we put boy bands to shame (yes that pun is intended).
When we get to the hotel my mom gives us our room keys, don't worry we aren't unsupervised, our room is connected to my mom's (yay -.-) and we go deposit our bags in our room and make our plans for tomorrow, Since we arrived pretty late we can't go to the beach today, but the hotel does have a pool that Anya and I want to swim in later!
After eating dinner with my mom Anya and I go to our room to get our swimsuits on and wait the appropriate 30 minutes at my moms insistence. Once we are allowed we race to the pool (very carefully), no ones likes to get caught by hotel hall monitors, we find that we are the only two there.
"Yes! We get the pool to ourselves!" Anya laughs as she puts her towel and flip flops on the table by the deep end. "Well who likes swimming at 8pm?" I ask teasingly. "Obviously you do since you're here." She quips right back. "Touché" I wink and we line up at the edge of the deep end ready to jump in. "Ready?" I ask. She nods. I start to count off "1, 2," she grabs my hand, "3!" We jump in laughing and trying not to get water in our mouths and noses.
When i resurface I am met with a splash as Anya yells "Percy Jackson!" And then swims away. "It's on!" I challenge as I follow after her. When I finally reach her I splash her while saying "Northern water tribe rules!" She laughs and we splash back at each other until my mom comes in forty minutes later to tell us the pool is closing. Reluctantly Anya and I get out and follow her back to our rooms.
When i finish showering I find Anya watching Disney channel. She looks up and grins "They are about to play Mulan." "No way that's my favorite!" "Dude I know! Me too!!" She scoots over and pats the spot next to her and I sit down. We sing along to almost every song and somewhere in between we end up laying down a few minutes after I realize that I notice Anya is falling asleep. I don't say anything, planning to move to my bed when Mulan is over but I don't make it to the end.
I wake up to a hand holding mine and legs tangled together. What's weird is Anya opens her eyes at the same time. We both realize our situation and blush before both saying "sorry!" After our initial embarrassment wears off we laugh and act like nothing happened, cause really nothing did.
My mom knocks on our door and we open it ready to go to the beach.
If you don't think the beach is a magical place then you obviously haven't been to the right beaches. Anya and I help each other with sunscreen and then we race off into the waves. When we reach the sand bar we stop. "Do you feel different out here? Like you're free and nothing hurts." I turn to Anya and nod "Like nothing is as bad out here as it is back home." She grabs my hand and I hold on. She knows how it feels to loose someone. She knows what it's like to feel lost. I find myself thinking that Anya may know me better than any person I know because she is just like me.
We stretch out our arms, hands still linked and face the sun for a few moments. Then she smiles and I feel it in my soul. I open my eyes and she looks at me, "let's go." And we make our way to the deep waves as the ocean calls to us.
Despite the fact that we put on sunscreen religiously and reapplied it as directed our shoulders and noses are sunburnt and everywhere else is a light red color. When I step out of the bathroom after my shower I see Anya trying to put aloe Vera on her back. I take the bottle from her "I got this." She laughs, "thanks I've been trying to get that spot for like five minutes." I grin, "you're arms are too short little girl." After I finish she turns around, "I bet you can't reach it either." "Challenge accepted." I smile and try to reach the spot on my back and... I can't. I try a few more times and Anya says, "See? You're little too." I can hear the smirk in her tone. I sigh and turn towards her, "than can you please assist me my fellow small person." She laughs "of course." Her hands are small and gentle and while I know it should hurt, it doesn't. "All done." She says and I turn back around to face her. She sits on her bed and for a second I debate whether I should sit on mine or next to her. Then she pats the spot next to her and I sit down.
"I have something to say." I turn to her, "I'm listening." She smiles. "I know you already have a best friend and all but I'm honestly just really glad I met you. I feel like I've known you forever. You understand me, where I'm coming from, and even the weird things I say. I'm so glad I met you and I think of you as my best friend. I really like being around you and spending time with you. I just wanted to tell you before we left and it wasn't just us anymore."
I'm a bit speechless but so happy. She said everything I was feeling! She feels the same way! "I'm so happy" I start and she looks up blue eyes wide, "I'm so happy it's not just me." I smile so wide I'm surprised it doesn't hurt and I can see her smile is just as wide.
We lean in at the same time and when we hug I feel like our souls are meeting. We fall asleep watching Disney channel again except this time we fell asleep while holding hands and for the first time since I lost my dad I felt like I was home. 
When we got back to our house we said our goodbyes and Anya left to get ready for school tomorrow. I finished my homework and took a shower and as I was getting ready for bed I realized that I hadn't thought of Keeva since Anya and I were packing the car. As I contemplated whether that was good or made me a bad person, my hand reached out for one that wasn't there and I fell asleep wondering what that meant and why I felt like something was missing.

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