Night In The Outside

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The first two bands were decent, they were just local though. One of Bret's crew came out and said the VIP meet and greet would be before the show instead of after like it was supposed to be because of the rain. I stared getting super nervous because I had to meet him all by myself. We waited in this really annoying long line for a while, then started moving. Walking up steps and around this corner, we could see the stage from the back it was so small. We got to the top of the steps and I froze in my tracks. Walking right by me, feet away, Eric. Still froze, he walked the other direction and people were telling me to move. The girl I was with laughed and said "yeah that's your guy! But he is going over by the stage I don't know if you can meet him." My eyes nearly flooded with tears, the next thing I knew, I was standing right next to the Bret Michaels Band tour bus. I couldn't help myself so i poked it. Do not ask me why because I do not know. The girl agreed on going on the bus with me. "Do you want to go first?" she asked. I gave her the worst look, "absolutely not." giggling, I turned around watching Eric coming down the steps, and onto the bus. Not to long later is was off and back up the steps. Still raining, the whole band was hanging around us except for him. The drummer Mike Bailey came through the line saying hi to everyone. The girl asked if I could meet Eric and he goes "Eric Who?" KID. DO NOT MESS WITH ME LIKE THIS. Then says, "Of course! I will go see if i can find him." Walking away, a security guard looks at us and tells us it is our turn. Following the girl in front of me, I see Bret standing there. "Bring that wet sexy thing over here and hug me" he says to the girl walking over to him. Standing next to Pete Evick, the guitar player, shaking she points to me and I hand my phone over to Pete. "She is 13 years old and is so excited to meet you, Her mom could only afford one VIP so I brought her with me." I walk over to him and he goes, "You look amazing!" I WAS WORRIED ABOUT LOOKING LIKE SHIT. I hug him and in the middle of it he says, "What's your name?" Almost crying, I kind of whisper "Regan.." We turn around and Pete snaps a two pictures of us. I was walking off and he yells, "Hey! Tell your mom I said hi and thank you." I smiled and him and nod. I step off the bus and see Mike standing there. He holds up his finger and says, "Eric." All I could do was smile and tear up.

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