Nothin' But A Damn Good Time Sweetie

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They came out and played, me still sobbing got the eye of Bret a lot and he kept pointing at me and looking and me. I also caught Eric looking at me a lot too. The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring. The one thing I never in a million years think would happen to me, seemed to happen right at this moment. The ;last song of the night, Nothin' But A Good Time, the second chorus, Bret walks over to me. He points while singing, "If you could hear me think, this is what i'd say." In a second, I see the microphone in his hands, right in front of my face. "DON"T NEED NOTHIN' BUT A GOOD TIME!" I sang it. I never will sing in front of anyone because I get embarrassed. But something sparked. I turned around and looked at mom, crying even harder than before. Next thing I know, I hear over the speakers, "Regan! Hey Regan! how did you like that!?" My heart dropped. It was Bret. THE Bret Michaels, Like, One of the greatest most popular musicians around just said MY name in the middle of his concert. GUYS. THE ONE AND ONLY BRET FREAKING MICHAELS SAID MY NAME ON STAGE!!!! I never have cried like this in my life. They all walked off stage after the song. The other four members of the band came out to action stuff off for charity. The keyboard player Rob was in front of us and these girls told him to get Eric. Well Mike over heard that, not knowing I already met him tonight, he brought Eric over to me and he came over and hugged me again. Damn he gives great hugs. People were snapping pictures in every direction, people I didn't even know. Even Mike came over and took my phone out of my hand to take a picture of me and Eric. He gave me a kiss on my forehead/bandanna and said, 'Bye sweetie." Watching him walk away that night was the hardest. We saw him walking onto to tour bus and that was it. I cried for a good 5 hours straight i must have cried off 40 pounds. I never thought I would see him again. That is, until less than a month later.

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