Hard To Find The Words

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          Mike came back through the door and came right over to me and exclaimed, "hey girl!" Then got pulled back into the group of girls behind him. Like hello, Regan is over here. This random guy who was making us laugh for the last 20 minutes taped Mike on the shoulder and said, "hey sir." He turned around and hugged me. He went, "girl, how are you doing? did you get Eric yet?" He just just walking in the door, I pointed at him, "yup." We snapped a picture and I stared at Eric almost the rest of the night. He walked by. And walked back again. Glancing at me every time, the third time he walked by I slapped my hand on his shoulder and hissed at him, "WAIT!" I turned around and took a selfie with him in the Dog Filter on Snapchat. And oh god how adorable it was. "Haha this is great. That's awesome" he mumbled. And kept walking. He came back our way again and god forgive me. I tapped his shoulder and yelled "I touched him" I guess he thought that was pretty funny because, still walking, he reached out to me and softly piped, "she said "I touched him" oh my god." It was hilarious. And it was my time to meet Bret in the women's bathroom and Eric  was talking to one of the security people and they kept looking at me. I was shaking when my mom went up to meet Bret. After she got a picture Bret waved me over and Pete was standing there pushing me on. At this moment, I watched my mother kiss Bret Michaels on the lip. The damn lips. Grabbed her face and says, "ready." And boom. I got up there and my mom let him know about how I bought her the meet n greet for her birthday. We hugged and ugh he is perfect. We talk for a second then went out and stood there for a second. I saw Rob the keyboard player and I was done. Three shows and I had to meet him, so it got really uncomfortable but I did...

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