Chapter #1: The Neko Named Levi

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"A pet?" You blinked at your friend of 6 years, Armin.

"Yeah. I figured that since you're always saying how lonely you are, getting a pet might be good for you. I worry about you, you know", Armin said softly while placing a hand over yours.

"Well.. I mean I guess I could try? But, I don't know anything about taking care of animals."

Armin smiled, "Don't worry. I know somewhere that sells special kinds of pets. It's where I got Erwin, after all."

Your (e/c) eyes snapped to his suddenly. "Wa-wait! That kind of pet? But, I, uh, wouldn't taking care of an actual full-blooded animal be easier?" You laughed nervously while scratching the back of your head.

Armin gave you a reprimanding look before continuing. "(M/N), Erwin can take of himself and.. me. I know that you don't take care of yourself properly. I've been watching."

You sunk into your seat a little, avoiding eye contact with him. "That's why I want you to get someone like Erwin. Not him exactly, but his species. Half-human, half-animal. They'll keep an eye on you and all you have to do in return is show them affection. Love for love. Alright?"

You nodded a bit hesitantly, showing that you were listening.

"Good. Here, I'll leave the address and number with you", he wrote it down on a napkin before handing it to you, "Just think about it and tell me what you decide. I've got to go so we'll talk later." With that, Armin got up and waved bye while walking out of the coffee shop. You sighed before getting up and moving to continue your shift.

~Flashback end~

"What am I doing?" You mumbled to yourself as you stood in front of a tan colored building with a huge sign that said: Maria's Best Pets!

Shaking your head, you made a move to open the door, but hesitated. "Should I really..?" Before you could answer your own question, the door slammed open, hitting you in the face and causing you to fall to the ground.

"Hi there, kiddo!! Welcome to MARIA'S BEST PETS!!" You groaned sitting up and came face to face with a crazed looking woman with glasses and brown hair pulled into a pony tail.

You blinked, "Who?" The woman suddenly grabbed your arm and yanked you into the building. You let out a yelp as you were dragged towards a desk. She non too gently pushed you into a chair in front of the desk before moving behind it. She was breathing quite heavily, officially frightening you.

"Name's Hanji! Nice to meet you, (M/N)!"

"Wha? How did you know my-"

She waved you off, "Not important! You're here to buy one of our gorgeous pets, I presume?"

"Um.. yes?"

"GOOD!" You flinched at her loud voice. 'If there's any cats here, they must not like her',you thought to yourself.

"I'll take you on a tour to see them all and then we can get to the boring paperwork!" She grabbed your arm again, pulling you up and beckoning you to follow her. You did follow her, a bit hesitantly though. As you two walked down a hallway, she pointed to different pets inside of their rooms. The rooms had glass walls all around them to where the people who wanted to buy could see the pets. Hanji certainly talked a lot and told you about each pet's likes, dislikes, etc.

You frowned, not seeing any animals you liked. You thought back to the ones you already saw. There was a horse named Jean who had brown horse ears and legs, but he seemed to be giving you a hungry gaze so you quickly wrote him off the list. There was a cat named Mikasa, but she seemed like she hated everyone so no. After what seemed forever, you started to give up hope and thought about going home, but that's when you saw him.

You didn't mean to stop and stare at him for what seemed like forever, but you were instantly memorized by the way he moved, the way his steel-grey eyes scanned the book in his hands, the way his black cat ears twitched every now and then, the way he was looking at you and- Oh.

Your face exploded into shades of red when he caught you staring. Instead of scanning the book in his hands, his eyes decided to scan you over instead, which made you only a little uncomfortable. You noticed slight curiosity appear on his face, before it was replaced with disgust. You raised a confused eyebrow until you felt Hanji behind you, startling you to jump ten feet away. If you would have paid attention, you would have noticed the Neko chuckle at your actions.

"Hmm, interested in Levi, are we?"

You blinked before your gaze went back to the neko in the room, who was staring right back. Blushing, you averted your gaze. "His name is Levi?"

Hanji grinned, "Yep!" Her grin quickly faded, though. "Unfortunately, he's a special case. If he doesn't like you, he won't go with you."

"Um.. no offense, Ms. Hanji, but isn't that kind of normal? You wouldn't sell a pet to someone if the pet didn't like them, right? That wouldn't really be an okay thing to do.."

Hanji's eyes widened a little at your words. She squealed before pulling you into a bone crushing hug. "You're so cute! So polite! So kind! YOU'RE PERFECT." Your face was as red as a tomato at this point while you tried to pry Hanji off of you.

"YES! Levi will love you, I'm sure of it!"

"H-huh?!" Hanji quickly pushed the button to open the door and literally pushed you into the room before saying, "Good luck!" and "Remember, it's all part of the process!" then the door was shut, trapping you the room. You were frozen to the spot, staring at the door, until you felt something pull on your scarf. Turning around, you were suddenly yanked down onto the Neko's bed with him on top of you. You let out a squeak and quickly covered your mouth. Levi seemed to be studying your every movement, watching curiously as your hands went to your scarf for comfort.

Levi leaned in to put his face in your hair and gently nuzzled you there. "He knows you crave comfort at the moment, (M/n)! That's why he's nuzzling you. He can smell it!" You heard Hanji say excitedly.

"Shitty-glasses", Levi grumbled. Your (E/C) eyes widened at not just the embarrassing things Hanji was saying, but also at the fact that Levi just talked!

"You can ta-talk?" He glanced back down at you before raising an eyebrow. "Only when I want to."

"O-oh, okay." You watched him lean in again, expecting him to nuzzle you, but instead he put his face into your neck, causing yours to erupt into flames. 'This is all a part of the process, this is all a part of the process', you kept reminding yourself. You suddenly felt a tickling sensation on your neck, only then did you realize that he was sniffing you. Confused as to why he was sniffing you, there wasn't much time to think about it since the tickling sensation was getting stronger. You let out a quiet giggle one of which Levi only heard and one of which that made his body stiffen.

He sat back up and you saw a ghost of a smile appear on his face before it was gone just like that. "You smell like strawberries", he stated.

"That's not a bad thing, right?" You asked worriedly while tilting your head to the side. You didn't exactly get an answer from him, but you did feel his tail wrap around your waist and before you could protest, he had already placed his lips on yours.

~To Be Continued~

Pets (Neko Levi X Male Reader X Puppy Eren)Where stories live. Discover now