Chapter #4: The File

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    You had given Levi the tour of your little apartment, watching him inspect the rooms for "dust" as he had said. For a while, he seemed to be inspecting, but he came back over to you, seeming quite pleased. He told you that he was going to do a deep-clean of the house the next day for some reason, but you agreed to let him do whatever. Not like you could stop him anyway. He mentioned that you needed a shower after being in that pet store, well, he more like pushed you into the bathroom and didn't let you leave until you did as you were told.

~Time skip~

    After you had showered and threw on some (f/c) pajamas with little white clouds on them, you took to cooking a simple dinner for the both of you as Levi decided to shower in the meantime. The kitchen smelled of spice and noodles, creating a nice atmosphere. It was a little weird to cook for two, but you hummed and smiled nonetheless. It was kind of nice to have someone around after all..

*Beep! Beep!*

    Snapping back to attention, you walked to the oven and turned off the timer. You set the pan of chicken alfredo to the side and got out plates. When you were done putting some pasta on the plates, you walked into the living room and sat them down on the coffee table. Staring at the plates, you felt like something was missing. 'Oh! Drinks, of course.'

    "I wonder if Levi likes wine.." You mumbled to yourself. You had a bottle of red wine from the Christmas Party Armin threw a while back, but you never opened it since you were only 19 and all. 

    "I don't want to open it and find out that he doesn't even like it." Opening the fridge, you sighed seeing that you only had a half bottle of water and milk that was way past due. You were lucky enough to find the chicken alfredo. Armin was right. You really did need to take better care of yourself and there was no doubt in your mind that Levi was going to notice the lack of food items sooner than later. 

    Tugging on pieces of your hair, you let out a frustrated groan. Glancing around, your eyes landed on the books and Levi's file that Hanji had given you. Perking up, you grabbed the file and went back into the living room, plopping down on the couch.

    10 minutes later, you were scanning through his file, eyes wide and a smile that could rival the Cheshire cat's. You found out that he liked wine and a few other drinks so you had set out a glass of wine for him with his food, waiting patiently for him to get out of the shower. You had also found something very interesting in the file. Something that made you bounce in your seat excitedly.

    The neko finally showed himself, a towel around his neck and a very tight-fitting grey v-neck shirt with black sweatpants. He glanced at you before glancing down to his food, raising an amused eyebrow at the wine next to his plate. 

"I didn't know that the brat could buy alcohol on his own", he teased. 

    Blushing, you looked away for a second before returning your attention on the one thing that mattered at the moment. His ears.

    He sat down and made himself comfortable. Trying to ignore the extreme scent of excitement coming from you, he began to eat his food, only for the scent to get stronger. It eventually became overwhelming so with an audible groan, he looked over at your barely contained fidgeting. 


"Your ears.." Your eyes locked onto Levi's fluffy black ears that sat on top of his recently dried and now fluffy hair. 

Levi side-eyed you cautiously from his spot on the couch. "What about them, brat?" 

   With a look of determination, you scooted closer and held your hands out in a grabbing motion. You mustered the best child-like voice you could before speaking. 

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