Chapter #7: Why Levi HATES Some Of His Owners

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"Le-Levi?!" You screeched. 

    The black haired neko stood in the doorway, arms crossed, ears flat, and fangs baring. You gulped, meeting his narrowed eyes with your own wide nervous ones. 

"Levi, I-" 

    Levi grabbed your arm and yanked you towards him with enough force to make you wince before he turned to the green-eyed "mutt" with a deadly glare. "Who the hell are you?", He spat. 

    Eren was frowning as soon as he saw you wince. He didn't like that one bit and he would voice it if he could, but since he couldn't, he settled with a low growl instead. Levi raised an eyebrow at the sudden threat before baring his claws. You watched as Levi and Eren's postures changed to something dangerous. Panicking, you stepped in between the two, blocking off anymore threats. 

"Levi, calm down!" 

"Move", he commanded. 

Taking a deep breath, you stood your ground. "No." 

    This time, it was Levi's turn to growl. He looked like he was about to force you to get behind him again so you pushed yourself into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. The neko froze at the sudden contact, but the tension in his body remained. 

"Just, hear me out, please! I'm sorry for not calling you back, I really am. But, something happened and-" 

"You.. smell like him." 

Blinking, you looked up at Levi's face. "Huh?" 

    Levi pushed you off a little too hard, but you managed to keep your feet on the ground. "You smell like that fucking mutt!", he said while pointing to Eren. 

Hurt and confusion crossed your face before you quickly shook it away. "Levi, there's a reason-"

"Oh, I bet there is", he spat. 

"Levi.. please, just-" 

No. Shut up. I'm done listening to this. You're just like the others.." 

    Tears welled up in your eyes. Why was Levi doing this? Why does he look so angry? What did you do wrong? What others? You had a rough day.. no a terrible day. You were almost.. 

    Anger and bitterness shot its way through you. All the emotions you were feeling since the incident poured out of you in a wave of tears and chocked sobs. You just wanted to come home and spend the rest of the day with your neko, but no, you had to go through the worse experience you could ever go through and now you had to deal with Levi being so angry at you for no reason. Shaking your head, you clenched your fists before yelling in a breathy voice.

    "I'm sorry! Okay?! I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry, Levi! I'm sorry that I was late, but that's only because I-I was almost rap-" Your voice got caught on the word. Letting out a whimper, you felt your legs give out, but someone's arms caught you and steadied you against them. Eren held you, concern evident on his dirt covered face.

    Levi's mind stopped working for a moment. You what..? You were almost.. what? He didn't notice it before, but he could smell different scents on you. Scents he didn't recognize. 'Oh, fuck.' Why the fuck didn't he realize it before? Levi cursed himself for letting his emotions take over. He made a move to get closer to you, but the growl sent his way made him stop dead in his tracks. Eren stared him down, his canines sticking out. Levi never felt intimidated in his life, but the way the mutt stared at him made him want to curl in a ball. 

Letting out a frustrated groan, Levi sat down in front of the two and ran a hand through his hair. "Fuck..", he muttered. 

"(M/n).. god, I'm such an idiot. I'm a god damn bastard. I'm so sorry.." Levi muttered, while staring at your shaking form, guilt crossing his face. 

You let out a sniffle or two before turning to face Levi. The neko took that as a sign to continue. 

    "I was.. scared. I was worried. I thought you weren't coming back or that something terrible happened. You weren't answering my calls and.. I've had previous owners who.. didn't come back. So, when I heard your voice outside of the door, I felt so relieved", Levi smiled bitterly, "But, when I opened the door and saw you with him, I immediately thought the worst." 

"The worst..?" You spoke softly. Levi sighed as he heard your voice. Good, you were willing to listen to him.

    "Yeah", he continued, "I thought you found someone else to be your pet and it didn't sit well with me.. at all. I thought that you were just going to leave me like my previous owners. I couldn't handle it. Not again. And I know that this doesn't excuse what I just did. I shouldn't have blown up on you like that. You didn't do anything." Levi looked into your eyes, his own full of remorse. 

    Your sniffles had calmed down at some point and now you just felt terrible for the broken neko. You knew better than anyone what being abandoned felt like. So, with that knowledge in tow, you shifted over to Levi and pulled him into a hug. 

    "It's okay", you whispered softly while petting the back of his head, "I'm not going to leave, I promise." Levi would never admit it, but having you pet him felt extremely nice. So he couldn't have stopped himself from purring even if he wanted to. You pulled back with a smile. "Are you purring, Levi?" 

Levi opened his eyes after having them closed in bliss. His face went back to its stoic routine. "No. I don't purr, brat." 

    You hummed thoughtfully. "Sure you don't." The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before Levi leaned closer and placed a kiss on your forehead. You smiled a small smile at the gesture, patting him on the head.

    "I know that we're just now getting use to each other Levi, but we need to talk things out, okay? I want to get to know you better. I want you to know me better. Things will be much easier for the both of us if we open up a little. I know this may sound weird, but I.. care for you. A lot. You're not a pet. You're my fr-friend. So, I want you to be happy with me-", your face flushed, "I mean happy living with me!" Quickly adding in the last part, you chuckled nervously. 

    Levi smiled the rare smile that made your heart flutter as he leaned down again and placed a soft kiss to your lips. "Of course", he mumbled after pulling away. A more serious demeanor overtook his features as he began talking. "Are you alright? What exactly happened?" 

"I'll explain everything after dinner, okay? I just really want to go inside right now." 

    Meanwhile, Eren sat quietly watching the two of you interact. At first, he thought this Levi guy was a jerk, but after careful observation, he realized that he just cared for you. Eren's stomach twisted into something unpleasant and it made him frown. Was he jealous? He shook his head, the cream colored ears on his head flopping around. He couldn't be. He just wished he had someone.. 


    The puppy looked up, his head cocking to the side. You giggled before repeating yourself. "Would you like to have dinner with us?" Eren blinked, glancing over at the neko who did not seem too happy with the suggestion, but kept quiet nonetheless. If it was alright, then Eren didn't see why not. He nodded in response, giving you a huge grin. You grinned back and then pulled Levi up along with yourself. 

"If he's having dinner with us, then he's taking a fucking bath. I will not have that walking around our house", Levi's face scrunched up. 

"Alright, alright." 

"And it's just dinner, got it?" Levi pointed to Eren. Eren nodded again. 

You sighed before turning and walking inside.

~To Be Continued~

Pets (Neko Levi X Male Reader X Puppy Eren)Where stories live. Discover now