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And just like that

All I breathe, all I feel

You are all for me

I'm in

And just like that

All I breathe, all I feel

You are all for me

No one can lift me, catch me the way that you do

I'm still falling for you


Ahsoka awoke with a start, her head full of long-forgotten melodies and an image of a Twi'lek musician explaining that this dance wasn't just for the young lovers of the present, but also for those of the future, where they could reveal their true feelings to those their heart yearned for.

She shook her head, sitting up. A moment later, she heard a delicate yawn from beside her, and felt a little body snuggle close.

"Ahn yim pertyra, ma'atjim?" her daughter asked sleepily.

"We agreed that you're going to practice your Basic on this trip, sweetie. Remember? No more Togruti until we get home."

Kira nodded and snuggled closer, taking advantage of Ahsoka's more abundant body heat. "But are you?"

"No, I'm not leaving. Senator Organa and the others don't need me just yet."

Kira yawned again, and Ahsoka smiled, reaching out to touch one of her four prominent Togruta canines.

"Your fangs are getting long now, akul'ri'jim," she murmured.

"I'm not a little akul, I'm a big one!" Kira made an interesting impression of the creature's roar, and Ahsoka jumped, putting on a good show of being scared. "But I thought you said no Togruti?"

Ahsoka chuckled. "You never miss anything, do you? All right. I won't speak any Togruti for the entire trip if you don't."

Kira smiled brightly. "Okay!"

Then, having apparently decided that now was the time to wake up completely, she squirmed her way out of bed and dashed into the refresher.

Ahsoka watched her go, a smile on her face. Her little daughter was everything to her, and Ahsoka knew she would do whatever it took to keep her safe.


Lux hadn't slept a wink.

Seeing Ahsoka again had been the small stone that started the avalanche. The second he closed his eyes and tried to relax, memories of the fight that ended it all between them came rushing back to him. And even now, six years after the fact, thinking about it was like throwing salt on a gaping wound.

Ahsoka had broken his heart, just like he had a feeling he had broken hers. Time had done nothing to erase the pain; it had only served to whittle it away from a sharp pang into a dull edge, almost to the point where he had forgotten it was there.

At least Senator Organa had been kind enough to drop him off on Onderon on his way back to Coruscant. He knew he had to get back there as soon as possible, because he probably had a pile of work waiting for him.

Still Falling For YouWhere stories live. Discover now