Fear for the future

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This election has really made me on edge. Now I don’t want this post to end up as a rant, but if that’s what has to happen then so be it. First off, I am nineteen years old, this would have been my first time voting, and I didn’t even get to vote that day. My manager at work asked me to stay forty minutes later than I was supposed to, so that I could finish cleaning black mold off of a milk rack, when there were more than enough people who could have finished the job for me. I would have gone later that evening if it had not been for my car, which needed struts, had an exhaust leak, and a funny smell that came and went when my car was running that was worrying my dad, who came over to look at it. Not to mention by the time I would have gotten there, I would have been too late.

Now initially I wasn’t too upset about not voting, as I have little interest in Politics. However, I do have an interest in my future and I fear I may not have one, or a good one at that. My not voting has led me to ponder, had I been able to vote that day, would I still be as disgusted and fearful of the results I am looking at? The answer to that will never be known and as I’ve said before, the unknown terrifies me. So, that being said, the fact that my future could very well be influenced by a narcissistic, disagreeable joke of a man who thinks himself higher than all others is absolutely terrifying to me. Though the prospect of a woman who above all else could have the bragging right to say “I was the first female president” is also a ghastly thought. The mere thought of living in a country that is governed by an ugly man, inside and out, makes bile rise to my throat and I just feel dirty

Children. I have seen children behave more maturely than those two are behaving towards each other. Political banter is one thing, but to bully the other at public debates and on social media is unacceptable. What kind of example do they think they’re setting? Cyber-bullying is a serious issue in today’s society. What will happen when kids see what they are doing and imitate that? “Why did you say those hurtful words son? You know we don’t say hurtful words to others.” “Oh, but mommy, that’s the way Mr. President was speaking to that lady on the tv”. Kids imitate those they look up to for guidance in how to live a functional life, and if there are kids out there, and I’m sure there are, who look up to Trump or Hillary then they are going to be listening to every. single. word.

You know when you see a really run down and dirty person, who you may not really want to go up to and say, ‘Hey! How was your day today?’, so you just pass by and look the other way, or pretend to be on your phone so you don’t have to socially interact with said person? Well those people are generally the ones with pure hearts, who are beautiful on the inside. Just nobody knows, because nobody takes the time to say, ‘Hey! How was your day today?’. I think we really need one of those people in our country in this time. Someone who has a pure heart, who isn’t corrupted by the need to be in the spotlight, or someone who has one way of seeing it, and if its not their way then get out.

And then there’s that other person, who’s good looking, clean and put together on the outside. The one that has it all laid out in front of them. If you remember your high school days then you can probably think of a few people that fit this description. Their outer shell may seem all desirable and appealing, but that’s all they are, a shell of a person who withered away because of how much their spirit was rotting. These people are monsters. They put on a facade, a fake persona of who they actually are. These are the kind of people we actually get in our country in this time.

Trump is a joke. And Hillary’s a fraud. What a nice choice you’ve given us America. So that’s it, there’s your real decision, who would you risk putting in office?

The Joke or The Fraud.

The ball’s in your court America.

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