When Worlds Collide - Chapter Four

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Josh Taylor ------>



Jenna was so kind to give me a pair of jeans and an 80's band tee the next morning. "Please honey they don't fit me anymore and I wouldn't give them to anyone else." I smiled as she shown me how to use their shower.


The warm water cascaded down my back washing all my worries away. Jenna had no straightners so my hair was its natural wavy self. It didn't look to bad. Ben gave a low whistle of approval. "You still up for a surf lesson after school?"


"I don't want to go." I sulked as I lay my head on his lap. "Here," I passed him my car keys. "Take them and hide them. I'll close my eyes and count to ten."


He laughed that deep, sexy laugh and kissed my head. "Let's go princess, time for school." He sat up and moved from underneath me. "Besides, you better call your parents." I groaned, knowing what was in store for me.


"I'll save that for after surfing, I'll most likely be grounded or something." I mumbled. He took my hand and led me to my car. "I love you."


"Love you too princess. Call me later." He kissed the back of my hand as I climbed in my car.




"Brooke where the hell did you go last night!" Harvey's voice screeched like nails in my brain. I shuddered as I carried on walking the hall towards homeroom. "Brooke Taylor I'm talking to you!" I sped up cutting through a door to take me back to the parking lot. "Brooke!"


I threw the door open and jogged towards my car. Thank god I left my bag in there. He grabbed my wrist like Ben the previous night. Only difference is now I realise Ben never had a grip on me.


"You're hurting me, get off Harvey or I swear I'll scream!" I yelled as he yanked me around to face him.


"Tell me where you went last night." His face was red with rage.


"I went to have mind blowing, bed breaking, hot, passionate sex Harvey. Is that what you want to hear? Huh? I gave it up. To Ben. The things he did to my body are things you've never dreamed of."


"And how would you know you little bitch? You've led me on for too long, promising one day. One day when? When you become entitled to half my money? When we marry after college?" He spat.


"From the other whores who tell me every week. 'Oh Brooke, good job you left the party... The things me and Harvey did would make a nun blush. I thought you should know because, well, you're so nice and you helped my brother pass english.' That's how!" I yanked my hand free and slapped it across his face.


He glared at me before he turned and stormed inside. I took a while to gather my thoughts and steady my breathing. I could vanish from school now. Just get in the car and drive. "Ah forget it." I mumbled to myself.


By lunch I was more than aware at everyone watching me. A girl even nudged me in the lunch line on purpose and mouthed 'whore'. I rolled my eyes and took my lunch outside. There was an empty seat on a bench behind my former friends. I turned on my iPod and tuned out the world. I only looked up when a shadow fell over me.

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