When Worlds Collide - Chapter Five

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Mr and Mrs Taylor and Jenna Collins on the side



Ben POV  



"I'm leaving! Get out of bed, you promised to do Ms. Clarke's yard. Bye honey!" My mom yelled through my door. I grunted as usual. When I heard the front door slam shut I closed my eyes to fall back asleep. It had been a long night. The guilt hit me as soon as I got away. With the guilt making a comeback now I forced myself out of bed.


Pulling my grey sweatpants over my boxers I opened my bedroom door to the kitchen. We live in such a pathetic place. My mom deserves a better lifestyle than this; this is why I do what I do. I mow lawns and weed gardens during the day for neighbours and then at night time... well... I make a few extra bucks.


I leaned against the sink drinking a glass of fresh OJ when the door opened. Kimmy, a good friend of mine since we were kids dropped her fake Gucci bag on the small table. "You know.. if I was any other girl I'd totally take advantage of you right now?"


"Please Kimmy, you've taken advantage of me for years." I laughed as I kissed her neck. I needed a pick me up after last night. She pushed my head away. "What?"


"Please dude. No more, we're adults now. Besides I met a guy last night after you took off. Where the hell did you go anyway?" She took my OJ and sat on the chair. I sighed and shook my head. She was right. We were twenty years old. Adults, and I came on to her like we were sixteen still. She looked the same though. Dark hair and striking blue eyes.


"I promised a friend I'd help him out, no biggie. Anyway I was bored. Your conversation sucked and don't get me started on Tommy. Now if you're not here for sex, I got things to do." I took the glass from her hands and poured the drink down the drain.


"OK, be like that asshole. I just came to see if you were alive. Call me when you want to be an adult." She slammed the door and I shuddered. One day the damn thing will just fall off, or the glass in the middle will smash.


I threw a grey t-shirt over my head and headed over to my neighbour's house. Ms. Clark was a nice woman. She was like the neighbourhood's grandmother. After mowing her lawn and pulling a few weeds, she handed me the usual forty bucks and I made my way home.


The kids on the block were home from school and were playing baseball on the green. "Hi Ben!" They yelled as I waved at them. "Are you playing with us?" The little blonde girl asked looking up at me.


"Not today Beth, maybe tomorrow." I shrugged. "Keep practising that swing okay?" She smiled and ran back to her friends. When I got home I was suprised to see mom sat at the table. Until I remembered what day it is.


"Jeez Mom, can't you get over him? He abandoned us 18 years ago. He's a waste of space." I slammed my fist onto the wall. She jumped out of her skin.


"Just stop that!" She screamed at me. "I saw him! I saw your father today. We had coffee."


"Well shit mom, why didn't you say? I'll get the guys round to prepare a welcome home party. A few beers, some food, a cake even!" I yelled back sarcastically.

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