Why do bad things happen to good people?

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Now this is a question that frequently runs through my mind. Why do bad things happen to good people. It's a very good question. I am not sure if anybody has the answer but it is a god damn good question. Doesn't it seem like the worst tragedies happen to the best of us, this is something to take into account, but is to great of a question for a small town high school girl to figure out on the bus ride to school.

I stare out the window and think hard. Damn, the bus really is a good thinking place. Only The Lord knows why he is taking back my best friend so early in his life. 17 is too young to worry about not waking up the next morning. Not seeing another day come and go. Life is a mystery that holds some great secrets, and I guess if we new how everything would go down, life would become dull. wouldn't it?

The bus stops, I look out the window and see we have arrived at school. I grab my backpack and stand up as the doors screech open. I hop off the bus and run up to the school. I swipe my ID at the door and head inside.

I make my way down the long and twisting hallways two my locker. As always there stands Todd, (our lockers are next to each other) "Hey!" Todd exclaims. "Were you sick or something?" I try to think up something to say that is not so dramatic. "Well... my friend, uh I think you might have met him once or twice, Liam." "Yea I remember him. Doesn't he have cancer? at least I remember you telling me that." I take another breath. "yes, he is very sick, and I had to see him." "Oooh, ok, I wasn't sure. so he's not doing well?" I sigh, not wanting to be pitied, "yea, he is not doing very well, they aren't sure if he has much time left, so I will probably he missing some more school to see him."

I can see from his expression how much this troubles him. "God, that sucks! Really, if you need anything, and I mean anything please let me no! I am more than happy to help you!" Of course, I know it his nature to be nice, but really, I don't need all of his help. "Thanks man, but please don't pity me, I am fine." he looks uncertain, but is in no mood to argue. "Ok, ok, but if you need me I am a phone call away. got it?" I giggle. "Yes Todd, I get it."

The bell sounds and I head into home room. I see Archy run in and sit down next to me. "Oh my god oh my god you will not believe what I am going to do after school oh my god!" This was not something I missed, Archy's over exitedness and how she thinks I am always awake enough to join in on her little happy spasms. "What is it." I sigh. "ok, but you can't tell anyone!" she giggles her brown eyes wide and gleaming. "Who the hell would I tell and why?" I ask. "I don't no, but whatever, I am going to ask out Todd!" I could honestly care less, but she is one of my best friends and she is exited, so I have to be exited for her. "Oh wow Arch, that's really great!"


I walk into the cafeteria alone and head over to the lunch counter and try to figure out what kind of meat that is in the soup. Whatever, I grab a try and hand it to the lunch lady. "Thanks." I say and give her a quick smile.

I sit down at an empty table and quickly Todd is sitting by my side. He says quickly under his breath. "Hey what's up with Arch? She is acting weird!" "Todd, let me be straight with you, I don't no or care why don't you just ask her." his expression turns into a big smile as she heads toward our table. "speaking of the devil." I joke. "Hey guys." Archy says she seemed very perky. "oh god." she says her perkiness seems to fade. "Here comes queen bee and miny queen bees. The popular girls come over to sweet talk Todd, I guess he is extremely attractive, I don't no he's just not my type.

They strut over to us, I can see the jealousy in Archys eyes. "Hey Todd." Molly purrs, the most popular of them all. "hey" Todd sighs not making eye contact with her. "Want to come with us Toddy?" she whines. "No I'm good with my friends, thanks, bye!" she looks offended, "whatever!" she pouts.

"Oh my god they are so damn annoying!" We laugh as they go collect more men.


I wake up in the hospital, beads of sweat running down my body. I look at the clock, it's 1:00 pm, wait why am I in a different hospital room. I try to fumble for the service button, but when I try to move my hand, it won't move... "what the..." I look at it, and it is purple and blue! "WHAT THE HELL!" I yell, I can't even feel my hand anymore.

A nurse walks in, she is not one of my usual nurses, she is older with short red hair. "I see you are awake." she says in her quite voice. "What, what is this!" she looks at the floor. "I believe that this is news, that I should not deliver, your mother and father will be here very soon and I will let you four talk." she exits the room, holy shit, what is wrong with me?

I sit very still in my bed for 15 minutes when the door slowly opens. "Liam honey." I hear my mothers voice say. she and my father step into the small room and pull up two chairs. "Mom, what's wrong with me?" I see her eyes fill with tears. "Honey, there is nothing wrong with you, you are just sick. But there is some news, there theory was correct, the blood flow in your body is clogging causing the flow to stop in certain limbs of your body. They say, when this happens you will need to get more major surgeries done, but they

are doing the best they can to help."

I try to breath, but my sadness and anger gets the best if me in this situation. "so is that a nicer way of saying that I am dying quicker, and that soon enough my limbs will just be all over the place, stop working so fast that I don't have enough time to get replacements, so that I just turn into a stub? Or are you suggesting that there is still hope? Because you no what I am pretty much almost dead!" Tears now start to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry mom, you no I don't mean that." she looks away from me, trying to collect herself. "No I am sorry, that you have to go through this, and that no one is honest enough to tell you what is happening because we think you won't like the news. But the truth is no one would like this news, no one. And I hate to stand here in front of the child, that I can't live withought, and say that the doctors now say you only have a few weeks left. I am so sorry.

She lets the tears burst out now, but I am soundless. A sensation gnaws at my stomach that I had wished I might never feel. The feeling that I no I am going to die, and very soon. Nobody deserves this fate, no one. But here I lay, decaying whilst still alive, at age 17,

no I am not ready to die, but when the day comes it comes, and I no I will not go peacefully in my sleep. no I will sure as he'll go down with a fight, for the sake of every one I love, my family, and Jasmine. I don't want the girl I love to see me like this. She cares more than anyone, and one day I wanted to have married her, for she is more beautiful and sweet, than any other. For she is the one I am 100% in love with.

tthoffmans note: hope u like the new chapter, please vote and comment!

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