Surprise, if only they were all good

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I wake up, light streaming through my window. My heart aches, all I can think about was Liam's terrified face when they told him he was going into sugary

I just lay in bed, letting the warmth from the light surround my body and fill me with warmth.

"Jaz!" I hear a voice call, a voice that could only belong to the one and only Ariana, my older sister. "Coming" I call down the stairs. I quickly run into the bathroom, wash my face, apply some mascara and eyeliner so I don't look like hell and pull on some skinny jeans and a crop top and run down the stairs.

She runs towards me and embraces me in a large hug, she is beautiful as always, tall long brown curly hair, skinny and has the best since of style "Ohhhh I missed you so much" she says. "I missed you to! but not to be rude, and in all seriousness why are you hear?" she looks insulted. "I had a meeting down this way, and decided not to waste my money on a hotel and stay with you guys!" "oh ok awesome!" I say trying to act happy and putting on my best fake smile.

I head into the kitchen and make some breakfast. I pull out the orange juice, and bacon. I go over to the stove and turn it on placing the frying pan over the burner. I blankly stare at the bacon and wait for it to cook. Someone places there hand on my back, it is defiantly a mans hand by the way it is so big. I turn around to see my father a sad expression on his face. "oh hi dad" I say trying to act like my bacon is more important then him, I continue to state at it. "Hey, look at me." I turn my head slowly, not saying anything. "I'm sorry about yesterday, on the way you left. This wasn't supposed to happen but they got some very bad tests results back, and they had to go into surgery or he would have died, we have no information of what happened but his family will tell us as soon as they can." I just nod and see that my bacon is now done.

My phone buzzes.

Mason: Hey what's up? wanna hang out?

Me: I would but I can't big sis is in town, plus I need some time alone see u maybe tomorrow?

Mason is typing.

Mason: yea sure have fun with ur sis! Bye!

I shut of my phone and sigh. I sit down at the counter and start to eat my breakfast. "Hey big sis." I hear Margery mock. "Hey" I mumble not in the mood to hear any of her nonsense. "So," she smirks. "I heard about your little meltdown yesterday, seems really tramatic. Why was it even such a big deal. you are so inconsolable, you no that right. I heard you cried for hours and hours poor baby." I feel like someone had just slapped me across my face. Are my feelings really not that important to my family? "You no what? You can be a huge bitch when you want to be! I was terrified for my best friends life! You are a selfish, shallow, low life and I think it would be best if you were dead!" Ohhhh, that sounded a lot better in my head, those were fighting words.

"Margery, I'm sorry you no I don't mean that I don't! really I love you, but you really piss me off man. is there someway that we could work this out and be good sissters?" For a moment it looked like she had softened up a tad, but then her eyes turned black. "You no what?" she says "It's ok, now I don't have to feel so bad about wishing you were dead. I wish you were dead every time I see you, you are embarrassing and I hate you with all my heart!" I have never, and I mean ever heard her talk like this. "Margery, you can't possibly mean tha-" she cuts me off. "shhhh, I mean every word." her eyes like daggers into my soul, as she walks out of the room.

I sit down, shocked, did she really mean that? And why? What did I ever do to her? Nothing that I could remember, nothing at all.

My deep thoughts were cut off by the sound of the doorbell. "Coming!" I hear my mother call. I hear her gasp. "ohhhh!" I hear her cry, "I am so sorry! what how, why!" I hear a very familiar voice replie. "He would have died, the amputation was the only thing they could do to save his life." I run to the door to see what the hell is going on. I stop dead in my tracks, heart in my throat. The sight I see is so horrific. My vision is blurred by my tears. "L-Liam?" I sob. "w-what happend!" I see my dear friend, who once used to be the most beautiful thing, it would take your breath away. Golden blonde hair, tall, and muscular, was now bone skinny, bald, and now due to very recent events, sat in a wheel chair, because now he only had one leg.

"Jaz!" his eyes filled with tears. "I had hope. Hope was all I needed. All my hope is gone, and I don't have much time left on this earth." I let the tears roll down my cheeks. "Don't say that!" I gasp. his mother gives me a sad look, "I'm going to give you two some time to talk." she says, I can see she is trying to fight back tears.

I wheel him into my living room and close the grand doors. I sit down on the couch next to his wheel chair. I see the tears stream down his cheeks, I've just realized he has been the strongest one through this whole entire process. "What happend?" I ask. "I didn't get very much information, but what I did pick up was that the blood had stopped flowing in my leg, and my leg was practically dead. Since this is a very rare illness, they don't no what to expect or to even call it. They say this may happen to my whole entire body, it might have just been my leg, but the thing is, they would say I have two months to live. Tops."

tthoffmans note. sorry, I no this was a very short chapter but there was a lot of drama and crucial information to the storie! please vote and comment! I will try I update soon!

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