I Dare You ( a Rendaya love story)

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Hey guys this is ncis_forever. So yea I'm kinda new to wattpad but this story is kinda based off a dream I had, but yea anyways so I hope hope you guys like it and I hope you vote for it and whatnot but yea I'll be posting the characters down below.

Characters so far
-Kourtney Anderson= Zendaya Coleman
-Will Murray= Ross Lynch
-Elizabeth "Liz" Taylor= Bella Thorne
-Chelsea and Lauren= made up background characters that have no main importance whatsoever
-Jonathan "John" and Alex= again made up characters that have no importance whatsoever

Chapter 1 Kourtney's P.O.V

"Ms. Anderson can you please tell me who Napoleon was?", Mr. Johnson stated. "Uh oh, not this again, I really hate pretending to be stupid in front of everybody just so I will fit in with my "clique". "It's so annoying, I just wish I could be my real self like I am with Liz (FYI my best friend)". I thought to myself. If you don't know me my name is Kourtney. Most people that know would think I'm the standard airhead,yea I know that's because I act like it on the outside. Now your probably wondering why I act like that , oh yea because we have cliques at our school. Your probably saying "everyone has cliques at their school, what makes your school so different?" Yea well cliques at our school can make or break you especially since our cliques determine our jobs after high school. I have to act like a dumb airhead because I'm in the dumb airhead clique . Get it now? Only my best friend knows who I really am. A nerdy straight A student that wears taped glasses and still watches Disney channel. Crazy? You have no idea. By now Mr. Johnson was wondering what I hadn't answered his question so I just said in my "stupid cheerleader voice", "was he like a famous fashion designer like Michael Kors?", I said. As soon as the words came out of my mouth all I heard was laughter spew out of every mouth like a volcano. "Good one Ms. Anderson.", Mr. Johnson said sarcastically. I looked over at at my best friend Liz as she gave me a disapproving look and her signature head nod. I really hate when she does that! I looked over at my other friends Chelsea and Lauren, both of them laughing and giving me a thumbs up! And last but not least I looked over at Will, my secret crush. I know right sounds cheesy yea it is but who cares (don't judge me!!). We are kinda friends but we really don't talk that much but he's seems really nice. We were both looking at each other smiling like little ninnies until we turned away (may I add at the same time). Then I turned my attention back to Mr. Johnson teaching my favorite subject.....HISTORY!!!!!!!!

Will's P.O.V

After what seemed like forever in the most boring class in the world, I finally heard the bell ring. I was was just about to leave out the door when I heard "Mr. Murray come see me before you leave please." I quickly stepped back in the classroom and sat in the front desk directly on front of Mr. Johnson. "We need to talk about your grades Will.", I heard Mr. Johnson say. "Well what's wrong with them?", I asked him quietly. He spoke for a really really long time so I'll just you the short version. "You need a tutor Will.", he said. " I'm assigning Ms. Kourtney Anderson to be your tutor and you will meet her tomorrow in the library at 3:30 sharp." he said. "What why would you give me her as a tutor, she's an airhead I mean you saw how she answered your question Mr. Johnson, I'd rather fail than have her as my tutor!", I protested. "Actually she's not an airhead she is one the smartest students at this school Mr. Murray, and I think you should be very honored to have her as a tutor.", he said.

Ok so hey people I hope you like my story so far. So this part of the chapter is really really long and involved a lot of all caps and I mean A LOT. But I hope you'll like it so make sure you vote for it and encourage your friends to read this and leave any comments or helpful suggestions in the comment and share share share!!!! (Oh btw this takes place at the end of school at Kourtney's house).

Liz's P.O.V

I was walking overto Kourtney's house getting ready to yell at her for that little scene in Mr. Johnson's class. I was just about to ring the doorbell when she suddenly burst through the door screaming "I really need to talk to you!" "Ok what's so big that you need to tell me about?", I asked impatiently. I guess she could sense the anger in my voice because she looked at me with pain in her eyes. "Dude, what's wrong with you?", she asked. "Oh, nothing it's just my BEST FRIEND CANT BE MY BEST FRIEND AT SCHOOL BECAUSE SHE'S IN A STUPID CLIQUE AND CAN ONLY TALK TO HER DUMB CLIQUE FRIENDS. OH AND NOT TO METION THE FACT THAT SHE HAS TO CONSTANTLY LIE AND ACT LIKE A COMPLETE AIRHEAD JUST TO FIT IN WITH HER STUPID FRIENDS!!", I yelled. "WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW SELFISH YOUR BEING. I TOUGHT YOU WERE OK WITH IT SINCE YOU NEVER TALK TO ME AT SCHOOL ANYWAYS!", she yelled back. "WHO WOULD BE OK WITH THEIR BEST FRIEND ACTING LIKE A COMPLETE JERK AROUND THEIR OTHER FRIENDS JUST TO FIT IN?", I yelled. "AND YOU THINK I'M BEING SELFISH, SELFISH PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES AND THEIR IMAGES. HMM.....REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE I KNOW!!!" "WELL YOU KNOW WHAT, MAYBE IF YOU WERE IM MY CLIQUE AND NOT SOME STUPID LONER CLIQUE LIKE YOU ARE NOW, THEN MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE SOME FRIENDS!", she screamed. By then I had lost it. "YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WE'RE FRIENDS. WE ARE FROM TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS IN TWO DIFFERENT CLIQUES. YOU KNOW WHAT JUST DON'T TALK TO ME ANYMORE!", I said. "OH AND BTW I'D RATHER BE LONER AND BE REAL, THAN BE POPULAR AND BE AS FAKE AS BARBIE LIKE YOU!!!!", I screamed for the final time. And after that I walked of her porch and went back home. I had to get ready for the school day tomorrow, only it was going to be different.

Next Day- Kourtney's P.O.V

I can't believe Liz and I got in a fight, I mean a fight that ended our friendship. We never had fights like that. I really have to apologize to her. But I can't not at school I mean. Man, this whole clique thing is getting on my nerves. I just have to think of another way to apologize to her for the things I said about her.Anyways, after our first couple of classes we have break. Yes I said break. That's another reason why our school is different from other schools. Oh btw I go to Wesley High School of Performing Arts. Anyways I was at my locker getting books, talking to my friends you know the standard usual, when none other than Will Murray walks up to my locker and asked me "Hey so Mr. Johnson said you would tutor me today at the library and 3:30, so are you gonna help me out?", "You know with the tutoring?", he repeated. I cannot believe he just asked me that question in front of my cheerleading friends? How could he, I mean he knows we have cliques at our school? Know wonder he needs a tutor (incompetent). "Wait Kourtney what is he talking about?", my friends Chelsea and Lauren said. "oh, um he's just telling me a joke ahahahahaha I totally get it Will!!", I said laughing awkwardly. "Anyways yea I gotta go, I said quickly slamming my locker shut and leaving Chelsea, Will, and Lauren all standing their in awe at my sudden exit. I quickly walked to the library hoping no one would notice me so I wouldn't have to make some bizarre lie to get away from anyone who might ask me. For those of you who might wonder why I have to constantly sneak away to the library (my favorite place in the world......besides my dance studio) well it goes like this. On the outside people see me as an outgoing loud mouth girl who doesn't know the difference between left and right. Yea I sound like a complete airhead. Well that's actually not the case. On the inside, I'm a total nerd who wears taped glasses, gets straight A's, never had an F in her total existence, studies all the time oh did I mention I self harm? Guess I didn't till at least 30 seconds ago. Honestly I hate being fake. I feel like my life is a complete lie and I live it everyday. I hide it from my friends, my teachers, even my best friend well ex best friend. Yea Liz and I got in a fight, and it was all my fault. So whenever I feel sad there are two places I go either the dance studio to dance the pain away of I go to the library to study the pain away. I know lame right (don't judge). I finally made to the library and found a seat in the corner just for precautionary reasons we already discussed. I took out my history and started to get out out my pencil and take notes when I a tall blonde boy that preceded to sit down next to me. I simply glanced at him an quietly turned back to my notes. Without looking I could tell he was watching me (stalker much). "Hey.", I said nonchalantly acting like I didn't want him hear. And honestly I didn't want him here. Reasons why 1. He is an incompetent turd 2. He cost me almost all of my friends 3. I JUST DONT WANT HIM HEAR RIGHT NOW. What? Nobody said they had to be good reasons. Apparently he finally noticed I didn't wanna talk to him after the long awkward silence so all he said was "why do you hide secrets from your friends?"

Ooooooo did I leave you at a cliffhanger? WELL TO BAD I MEANT TO SO DILL WIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HahahahahahahahahahahahHahahHahahHhahahaha I'm just kidding about that but I really did mean to leave you at a cliffhanger. Did anybody else notice my pickle joke yea probably no one but anyway yea this is the end of my 1st chapter!!!! coolness

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