Chapter 4 Part 1

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Kourtney's P.O.V

After my tutoring session with Will, I went home. It was Friday night and  I was sitting at home alone mostly because my parents were on a trip for the weekend and made me swear I wouldn't have a party, so being the good child I am decided to call Liz to see if she would want to come over for the weekend. After that whole fight we had I really wanted to spend more time with her. 

(Phone call between Liz and Kourtney)

L=Liz, K=Kourtney

L= Hey Kourt,what's up?!?

K=Hey oh nothing much just chillin at home, all alone, with no one here to talk to

L=You want me to come over for the weekend don't you

K=OMG you read my mind you're like a wizard. You need to go to Hogwarts

L=Just shutup, I'll be there in 10 minutes 

K=Yeeesssss you're the bestest friend ever!!!!!!!!

L=Haha I know it's obvious duhhh

K=Anyways I'll see you in 10 minutes

L=You know it!! anyways byyyyyeeee

Since it was gonna take her 10 minutes to actually get here, I decided to get all the stuff we needed for the weekend party. I ordered 2 large cheese pizzas, popped 3 bags of popcorn, got 2 tubs of Oreo flavored ice cream out the fridge, got 5 packs of skittles from the corner store, and got 2 liters of soda from the fridge. Hey I know what your thinking!! How can we eat so much and be all skinny like toothpicks?!?!? Well see Liz and I have faster metabolisms than most people which means we can eat alot, but still stay really thin.(man i wish i was like them, even tho this is fiction anyways back to the story :D)  After that I went upstairs to change into more comfy clothes.(Kourtney's clothes on the side)  I took my clothers and put them in my hamper then I put on my gray panda covered sweater, my black comfy leggings and, my gray UGG mocasins  I was going downstairs when l heard the doorbell ring. Assuming it was Liz I went down and opened the door and screamed WHAT'S UP MY HOMIE!!!!!! But it wasn't Liz, it was the one person I never wanted to see ever again..................


OOOOOOOO cliffhanger right right ya i know dont tell me it was awesome haha just kidding anyways hey what's up my lovelies how ya doinnn?!?!?! anyways i wanted tho get chapter 4 part one up today cuz ill b goin back to school in 2 weeks and ill have dance everday of the week execpt friday so ill have to find a good writing routine to get into for you guys ill try updating every 2 weeks  or every 3 weeks idrk. but anyways i hope you guys like this part one of two for chapter 4 but anyways i hope u liked it so make sure u vote and follow me and also u need to check out BelWatson she make really good stories about guess whooooo.................ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!! if you know this which u probably dont i love love love love 1d like love but anyways check out her stories theyre really good and im gonna put shapter 4 part 2 up next tuesday so yea anyways byyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!! ;D :D 




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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