Chapter 2

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Kourtney's P.O.V

Out of all the questions he could have asked, he chose that one. That one question was a question I couldn't answer. I didn't know why I kept secrets from my friends. And then it hit me. That our school having cliques wasn't the only reason why I didn't tell my friends certain things. And then I realized I had to stop blaming our school "cliques" for all the problems that I had. I have to own up to my mistakes. I have fix all of my wrongdoings and create a solution. I had to stop living a lie. There were many other reasons as to I kept secrets. But the biggest reason of all was.......myself. I didn't want to deal with humiliation. I didn't want to deal with broken friendships. But I have to anyways. I tried living this lie so I didn't have to deal with those problems. But it seem like living the lie made my problems twice as bad as before. Then it hit me, I still hadn't answered his question. So finally I simply said, "why is it your business to know?". "Look okay I don't like you and you don't like me so the only time we have to talk to each other is our tutoring sessions, but before and after that we can stay out of each other lives!" As soon as those last words came out of my mouth I got up and left the library hearing many shushes as I walked out and left him there alone.

Will's P.O.V

Woah, I can't believe she said that. I mean like c'mon everybody likes me. I'm the best male singer at this school! She should like me........ because the truth is..... I kinda like her. I know right that's a game changer. I just went on an on about she should like because I'm likeable, but to be honest I like the fact that she stood up to me and didn't bow to my all time greatness. While I was deep in thought I suddenly heard the bell which meant break. "Great.", I mumbled under my breath. I quickly hurried out of the library, grabbed my books out of my locker, then ran to Mr. Johnson's class and sat down right before the class bell rang. Oh yea I got mad ninja skills like that yo!!

Liz's P.O.V

I was really starting to regret losing my friendship with Kourtney over a silly little problem. But if she can't get over her little cliques and actually talk to me and apologize in front of her friends at school, then I don't think we'll be friends ever again. Hopefully today she'll stop lying about how smart she is and actually answer one of Mr. Johnson's question with an intellectual response like I know she can.

Will's P.O.V

"You just made it in to the classroom Mr. Murray, so I'd suggest that you might want to manage your time more wisely?", he asked as a question. "Yes sir", I said sheepishly as I could hear the snickers from my fellow classmates. He began talking about the revolutionary war and all that junk. As I began to zone out until I was quickly snapped back into reality as soon as I heard "since most of you are paying attention, some better than others he said as he looked at me I will tell you that there will be 30 question quiz tomorrow when you get into class so for those of you that weren't paying attention I'd suggest you might want to ask someone that was taking notes to borrow them because I can assure you the quiz will be hard." he repeated again. All I heard from then on was a series of boos and c'mons. Oh great another thing to study for after school. I was already failing the class without quizzes and tests now what am I going to do? But then the bell wrung and I had to go to my other classes.

Kourtney's P.O.V

As I got up and was about to leave I noticed a folded piece of paper on desk. I quickly took it and read it aloud. The note said "meet me outside after dance-L". I hoped this meeting wasn't going like a Pretty Little Liars episode. As I walked into the studio, I noticed 2 judge type looking people in the corner and our dean Ms. Johnson talking in hushed tones with them. I quickly changed in the locker room then came out and began to stretch. As soon as my other friends came out and we began to stretch. Our teacher came in began to start class. "Take your places at the barre and let's begin class.", she said. "Oh, wait just a moment.", Ms. Johnson said. "Class, today we have some talent scouts from the world renowned school of Juilliard who will also be at our end of the year show to recruit some our seniors for 5 of their scholarships to go to their school next year." Oh my gosh I can't believe that the fate of my future rest in the hands of 2 judges and the dean of my school. By this point she had stopped talking and we began class. I really wanted to go to Juilliard. It is one of the best performing arts colleges in the world. Only the best of the best get into their school and the tuition is crazy expensive. I've been saving to go their since 7th grade. I'm almost at 3,000. As we began our pointe class I noticed that the judges were walking around the class room giving corrections to other people. One of the judges finally came over to me and said "my friend and I were talking and he thinks you would be a shoe in for one of the scholarships to our school, and he wants you to come to Juilliard on Saturday to take a class with our first-years to see how you would like it next year if you decide to come?". "Of course I would love to but what time should I be their?", I said. "Our first-year class begins at 4 so I suggest you might wanna come a little before just so you could mingle and meet some of our students." Oh my gosh I can't believe that they want me to take a class with their first-years. I can't believe that I might get one of their scholarships. By this time class had ended so we changed into our regular clothes and went to lunch. I went outside to meet the person who left me the note. I went outside and waited. And waited. And waited. I was about to leave when I saw Liz walking up with 2 coffees from my favorite coffee shop Starbucks. As soon as she set them down we ran and have each other a hug. We let go of each other and said "I'm sorry!", we both said in unison. We spent the rest of our lunch talking about the Juilliard scholarships and the standard celebrity gossip. I was so happy that I finally got my best friend back.

Author's note

So I hope you like like my story so far. And thank you so much for your suggestions and comments. And if you guys have anymore comments please send them to me. And I hope you keep reading and voting for my story and thank you for your votes and reads.

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