Chapter 3

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Will's P.O.V

"It's so simple!", Kourtney said.

"No it isn't it's so not simple!", I said with hint of disgust in my voice.

"Wow Will just wow, how can you not understand this!!", she said.

"Because it's so freakin complicated Kourtney!!!", I yelled which resulted in me being shushed by that mean old hag of a librarian.

"Ok I'm gonna say this again, the Cold War wasn't really a war, it was technically a competition between the US and the Soviet Union to see who could build the most nuclear weapons to launch, which they never did do you get it now?!?!?", Kourtney whispered loudly.

I just like to point out that idk if that is accurate or not I'm not a history teacher so idrk. If it is then HALLELUJAH. ok back to the story :)

"No no I don't get it", I said.

"Why was it called the Cold War if it wasn't an actual war Kourtney?!?", I whispered.

"UGH, ok let's come back to that later and let's move on to WW2.",she declared.

"Ugh fine, I said. "Okay, who was the nazi leader for Germany in WW2?", she said.

"Umm Hitler?", I guessed.

"YYYAAASS that's actually correct!!!!", she whispered loudly.

She was about to say something else but her alarm on her phone rang signaling that our tutoring was over.

"Well I got to go so I'll see you Thursday.", she said.

"Ok, well bye, I said getting from the table.

Ok. I'm really really really sorry about this chapter cuz it's really short but I was in a rush 2 get it done but I promise the next one is gonna b better and longer ;):) again I'm really really sorry. But I wanna thank y'all since this story just hit 1k reads so I'm so happy and thank y'all.

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