Terra Nova: Dedications

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Note: This is a fan fiction. The characters, terms, setting and main plot is from the TV Show 'Terra Nova'. No copyright infringment intended. :)

This book is dedicated to so many people who have helped me to write it and encouraged me when I have felt down. So, thank you to all these people, so so much. You mean a lot more to me  than you think.


                              For always being there and encouraging me to write.


                          For always supporting me and being amazing and nice. 


                 For commenting on every chapter the second she knew it was up. 


                                  For all the positive feedback and comments. 


                            For such enthusiastic and encouraging comments.


                          For reading and being so supportive whilst writing this. 


                  For being amazing and nice and always commenting positivley.  


                                                              -My Fans

     The only thing that gets me to write. I have no idea what I would do without you all

                you mean so very much to me, and the comments and votes I see on

                                            my stories means the world to me. 


                                  I couldn't have gotten this far without you! <3

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