letters (tomtord)

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Tord trudged down his driveway, stopping at his mailbox. He pulled it open, surprised to find a letter. Even more surprised to see who it was from.... tom.

He cautiously tore it open.

''Dear you little piece of shit,''

Ah, yes. Good ol' tom.

''No, Edd is not forcing me to write this letter. I know the whole letter thing is weird, like I could just call you but.. well.. it's important to me because.. you're important to me.''

Wait.. what did I just read?

''And.. I miss you. Like, A fuck ton. I mean.. so do Edd and Matt obviously. But.. well.. man this is hard to write. They miss you as a friend,  and I miss you as a... you.. know.. ughh. Wow I am not good with feelings.

What I'm trying to say is, I've missed you every day since we drifted apart.. the weird feelings you gave me.. the thing they call ''love''. I never thought I'd fall into it, I always thought of it as foolish and a waist of time, but soon I found myself tripping all over the place, just at the sight of your smile and the sound of your laugh.

I guess It was pride that made me poke at you so much, but I promise you I never hated you and never will. Fear made me hide my feelings.. but here I am, pouring them out to you on a simple piece of paper.

Edd found out about my... feelings for you a while ago. He thought I would hate myself for them, I could never hate myself for loving you. Yeah that's right.

I love you.''

''I love you too..'' tord whispered as his tears of swirled sadness and joy blurred the scribbles on the letter.

He could barely make out the last line: ''please come home..''

Of course he would. Nothing would stop him from returning to his life.. the life he left the day we walked away from Tom for what he thought would be the last time.

Boy was he wrong.

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