Chapter 3

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Later, Data walked into engineering. Nothing seemed different- externally. But the android felt that something was off, just a little bit. If only he could know what it was...

"Hey Data, mind helping me with this inspection here? I'm trying to isolate a problem that's causing the ship's computer to generate random furniture in the holodeck. So far we've had a lemon pie, a bat'leth, and a king-sized bed appear during the most pivotal scenes of the Captain's Ancient West reenactment." stated LaForge matter-of-factly.

The yellow-clad android went to go help his friend. While they were working on isolating the problem, Data attempted to make casual conversation.

"How did you make amends with Dr. Brahms?" he asked .

Geordi was caught a little off guard. Dr. Leah Brahms had had some... issues... with him, but he had resolved the problem.

"After we got that baby life-form off our hull, I took Leah to Ten Forward. She said she was sorry for the... incident in the holodeck. I don't blame her for reacting the way she did, though. It's kind of creepy seeing yourself in another person's holodeck fantasy. Reg definitely showed me how that felt."

"So... she is no longer angry at you?"

"I told you Data, she forgave me."

"But are you still infatuated with her?"

Geordi was embarrassed. "Of course not! I was just a bit unhappy when I found out she was married, but its all over now."

Data was quiet for a moment before asking "What if I experience the same emotions as you did with Leah?"

His friend stopped what he was doing and stared at Data. "What do you mean?"

"What if, one day, I am infatuated with someone?"

"Well, when that day comes, you'll just have to do your best. I'm not one to offer advice, but if I were you, I'd take it slow. Take time to get to know whoever you want to start a relationship with better. Become their friend. Then make your move."


A few minutes later, LaForge and Data were still trying to find the glitch's source.

"Data, try running a diagnostic on the power conduits."

"Running now."

"There is a power drain in one of the conduits." stated the android.

"Why hasn't it been compensated?"

"Compensating now. The holodeck should not be experiencing any problems now."

"Good job, Data. By the way, do you want to head with me to Ten Forward? Guinan said she downloaded some new desserts into the replicator."

"Yes, I will come with you. But- I have one request."

"And what will that be?"

"May I bring Ensign (L/N) along?"

Geordi smiled when Data mentioned his new friend. "I don't see why not."


A notification pinged at your computer. It was Data!

"(Y/N), would you care to join me and Commander LaForge in Ten Forward?"

"I'll meet you there."

You walked into the turbolift. This would be fun, and you needed a break from the investigation.

The door to Ten Forward slid open. You immediately saw Data and LaForge sitting at a table by one of the windows.

"Ensign (L/N), I don't believe we've actually formally met. You can call me Geordi."

You shook his hand, almost forgetting Data was here with you. You had no idea the other senior officers were so friendly!

A server came to the table, and you ordered a (favorite drink).

"So, how's the investigation going?" asked the visor-clad engineer.

You sighed rubbed your temples. Data's brow furrowed. "(Y/N), are you feeling alright?"

"That bad, huh?" Geordi interjected.

"Yup." you propped up your head with your hand. " I've been reading reports for hours, and I have no leads or clues!"

"I have also scanned the information. There are no reasons why Selynis (L/N) would revert back to her old personality, before her behavior improved."

The server came with your (favorite drink). You sipped at it nonchalantly, staring outside the Ten Forward window. The stars sparkled like little gemstones on the black velvet of space.

The three of you stayed there for a couple minutes, making small talk. Geordi got up to go back to engineering, leaving you and Data alone.

"I have a holodeck mystery program we can use. Maybe solving it will get your mind off the other mystery on hand."

You were intrigued. "Really?"

"Yes. I find that seeing the parallels between real-life and fictional scenarios is helpful in solving problems. There will be one... aspect of it that you may be uncomfortable with."

"What is it?"

"If we enter the program together, your character will be my character's love interest."

The (lovely) Lieutenant (Data/Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now