Strangers Again (Austin Mahone Fanfic)

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You: Push me higher Austin! Higher!

Austin: Ok!

You: Higher! I can almost touch the sky!

Austin: Are you getting closer?

You: Almost!

Michele: Come on kids, it's time for your snack.

Austin: Awh, but mom we were trying to reach for the sky.

You: Yeah Ms. Mahone. Just one more minute please?

Michele: You can reach for the sky tomorrow, it's time to eat.

Austin: Awh ok mom. Come on y/n race you!

You: Ok!

Michele: Slow down you guys.

[Fast forward 11 years]

You: Mom! I'm going to school now!

Mom: Bye! Have fun on your first day of school!

[You walk out the front door and get into your car and drive to school. You pull up to the school parking lot and park your car. As you got out a car parked next you and familiar face got out also. You walk away as soon as you saw his face]

Austin: Wow, no hello?

You: Don't ruin my day yet Mahone.

[You walk into the school and place your books in your locker. As you were organizing your locker you hear a friendly voice scream your name]


You: You saw me two days ago.

Bff/n: That's true.

You: Did you get your schedule yet?

Bff/n: Yeah, did you?

You: No not yet. I was about to right now.

Bff/n: Do you want me to go with you?

You: No it's alright, you go find everyone else.

Bff/n: Alright, see you later.

You: Alright bye.

[You walk to the front of the cafeteria to get your schedule and see a long line]

You: Great I'm going to be here forever.

Austin: Calm down, it's only the first day of school.

You: Shut the fuck up.

Austin: That's not how you greet someone.

You: Can you not talk to me?

Austin: Fine.

[You hear the warning bell ring signaling people to go to their first period]

You: I should've came to school earlier (you mumble to yourself).

Austin: Now you're getting fucking annoying.

You: No one asked you to listen to me alright?

Austin: Damn, bite my head off.

You: I just want to get my schedule, get this damn day over with, and go home. None of what I just said involves you ruining my day.

Austin: I didn't want to see your face today either alright. Now turn around, shut the fuck up, and wait in line for your schdule quietly.

[You didn't know what to say. You turned around and did as Austin said]

You: What an asshole.

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