Strangers Again (Austin Mahone Fanfic)

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You: I love California. It's just so amazing here.

Austin: Being here with you is just amazing.

You: I'm glad you came.

Austin: I did too.

You: Can we just stay here forever?

Austin: Why not?

You: What?

Austin: When we're older, let's stay in California...forever.

You: Really?

Austin: Yeah. We can take over the city together.

You: I love you.

[A sudden annoying beep hurts both your ears. Then everything went blank]

Austin: Oh god, that was just a dream.

[Austin sat up and rubbed his face] Austin: I can't sleep knowing she's somewhere out there.

[Austin got up and began to get ready for the day. As he headed out the door he read the last clue you left the other night]

Austin: Go back to where it began and where it started to go down. Where it started to go down. I told her in the worse place possible.

[Austin took a 10 minute walk to a small park. This is the place where Austin told you about the other girl. The place where everything went wrong. Austin walked up to the bench where he told you about the other girl]

Austin: You sure do know how to make someone feel like crap don't you y/n.

[Austin reached under the bench and felt a piece of paper. He pulled it out and began to read it]

Austin: "How does it feel to be back? Feel bad? Imagine how I feel. I suggest you give up now. I need to do this on my own, but you're going to keep going. Fine, you asked for it. From here to there, it may lead nonwhere. Look farther than the eye can see and dig. Climb to where the lights shine bright as night comes to fight. -Y/n." You're making this hard on me y/n. I will find you and we're going home together.

[Austin kept reading the note over and over again to try and figure out what the clue meant. He was so concentrated that he didn't hear anyone call his name]

Stranger: Austin?

Austin: Huh? Oh crap.

Stranger: That's not how you greet someone.

Austin: I mean hey Lindy.

Lindy: What are you doing here?

Austin: Buisness. Lindy: I haven't seen you since that summer.

Austin: Yeah.

Lindy: We should catch up soon.

Austin: I don't think so. As soon as I'm done here, I'm gone.

Lindy: How long are you staying?

Austin: Not long.

Lindy: Are you busy now?

Austin: I'm actually leaving now.

Lindy: Why are you being so mean?

Austin: Not to be rude, but you're the last person I want to see.

Lindy: Why?

Austin: It's my fault that I chose you over y/n. I should've never believed your lies. If it was up to me I would have never come back. You wanted to know why and that's it.

Lindy: Oh.

Austin: I'm sorry. It's just I haven't been sleeping and I just need to get out of California.

Lindy: It's ok. I'm kind of glad to see you. I always thought we had another chance.

Austin: My heart will always belong to y/n. What I had with you was fake. I'm sorry, nothing will ever happen between us.

Lindy: Then why are you here, if it's not for me?

Austin: I came for y/n. Now will you excuse me I have to go.

Lindy: You're missing out on the best thing that will ever happen to you.

Austin: You're right. That's why I'm going to find y/n. You are nothing compared to her. Now let me go so I can find the person I'm meant to be with.

[Austin stormed off and never looked back. He was angry, but determined to find you. He went back to the motel room to figure out your clue and hours had pass and he still couldn't figure it out. Just as he was about to give up he looked out the window]

Austin: Well damn.

[Austin left the motel room and got into a cab]

Driver: Where to?

Austin: Take me to the hollywood sign.

Driver: You got it.

Austin: Take me to closest you can get to the sign.

Driver: There's only so far I can drive, they have that place blocked off now. So if you want to get up close and personal you're going to have to climb a gate.

Austin: Thanks for telling me.

Driver: Why do you want to go there anyways?

Austin: Long story short, I'm trying to find somebody.

Driver: Who isn't.

Austin: Tell me about it.

[After a bit of driving Austin made it. He paid for the cab driver and climbed over the fence. He hiked his way up to the sign and it took him a while. After finally making it he was tired, but hopeful. He looked around for a note, but couldn't find one]

Austin: Why is there no clue? It can't end here. Did I go to the wrong place?

You: No actually you came to the right place.

Austin: Y/n!?

[Austin ran up to you and gave you a hug]

You: Someone missed me.

Austin: Of course I did. I missed you more than anything.

You: I had a feeling you'd come looking for me.

Austin: Of course I would. I would do anything for you.

You: Why?

Austin: Because I love you.

You: You don't mean that.

Austin: Yes I do. I would not come all the way out here for nothing. I came here for you and no one else. I would do anything for you y/n, anything.

You: I don't get it. After everything I've told you and put you through you're here.

Austin: You didn't put me through all this, I did.

You: The view is beautiful up here.

Austin: It is.

You: We have to go home don't we.

Austin: Yeah we do.

You: I think a part of me will always love California. Even though my worse moments came from here, so did my best.

Austin: Come on, let's go.

[Austin intertwined his fingers with yours and smiles at you]

You: Wait.

[You stand closer to Austin and place a hand on his face. You faintly smile at him and look deep into his eyes. Without any hesitation you kiss him and he kissed back. In that moment all the problems seemed to dissapeared and everything felt right. You both pull apart, in complete silence. Austin pulls you into a tight hug and you look out into the city lights]

You: Come on, lets go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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