Strangers Again (Austin Mahone Fanfic)

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(Phone call begins)

Bff/n: Babe come to the party tonight!

You: I don't feel like celebrating.

Bff/n: It's going to be New Years! This is a really good time to party.

You: I don't know.

Bff/n: This is a good excuse to wear that dress and heels you bought and never wore.

You: I'll think about.

Bff/n: Ok I won't force you to go.

You: Talk later?

Bff/n: Yeah.

You: Bye.

Bff/n: Bye.

(Phone call ends)

[You got up from your bed and looked at the clock]

You: Hmmm...should I go?

[You walk to your closet and looked at the dress you bought months before]

You: The party starts at 8 and I would have two hours to get ready.

[You pull out the the dress from your closet and walk in the front the mirror]

You: I'm going.

[You begin to get ready for the party. You took a shower, curled your hair, put on make up and got dressed]

You: I hope I don't regret this.

[You walk down the stairs and see your mom in the living room]

Mom: Whoa where are you going all dressed up?

You: Bff/n is throwing a new years party and she asked me to go.

Mom: It's nice to see you go out after a couple of months.

You: Really?

Mom: Yeah. Go. Have fun.

You: Are you going to be ok?

Mom: Yeah I'll be fine. Michele told me that Austin was going to a party too so I'll just ask her to come over or something.

You: Oh.

Mom: Hey Austin might be at the same party as you.

You: He just might be.

Mom: Have fun sweetie.

You: Is it ok if I sleep over too?

Mom: Yeah go ahead.

You: Alright bye mom, tell Michele I said hi.

[You get into your car and drive to bff/n house. You pull up and see that a lot of people was there already. You walk up to the house and suddenly hear someone call your name]

Bff/n: Y/n! I didn't think you were coming?

You: Neither did I, but I'm here.

Bff/n: Go in, everyone is here.

Zach: Hey y/n over here!

You: Hey. I didn't know you were going to be here.

Zach: Everyone is here.

You: Of course they are.

Zach: You look nice by the way.

You: Well I try. Where are the guys?

Robert: Right behind you.

You: Oh hey.

Alex: Did you just get here?

You: Yeah. When did you guys get here?

Alex: All of us got here like 30 minutes ago.

Austin: The line for the bathroom is super long.

You: Hey Austin.

Austin: Hey.

You: Well you guys enjoy the rest of the party. I'll see you around.

Robert: Bye.

[You wave good bye and walk away]

F/n: You did come!

You: Yes I did.

F/n: Come dance with me.

You: Haha alright.

[Your friend drags you to middle where people were dancing and had tons of fun. You didn't care who was watching or how big of a fool you made yourself. As your heard someone annouce that there was 30 minutes till new years you look to your right. Out of everyone's faces you see Austin looking at you]

You: I'll be right back.

F/n: Alright, but hurry.

You: No promises.

[You made your way through the crowded house and the further you went, the less people there were. Finally you reached the backyard and see that no one was outisde. You take a step out and look at the stars. You feel the cool air hit your face, the slight breeze going through your hair. Closing your eyes you let yourself get away]

(Flashback begins)

You: Oh my gosh you weirdo, stop it.

Austin: What? Leave me alone.

You: Yeah because that's what I'll do.

Austin: I'm lucky you know that?

You: How?

Austin: Because I have you.

You: You'll always have me.

Austin: You know what I mean.

You: Yes I do.

Austin: This is going to a really good summer for us. I can feel it.

You: To us and an amazing summer to come.

Austin: To us.

(Flashback ends)

Random Person: Ok guys count now!

[You open your eyes and look back at the stars in the distance. You hear people are about to begin to countdown to the new year and you count along with them]

You: 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Austin: Happy new year.

You: Why aren't you inside with everyone else?

[You turn around and see Austin looking at you. You slightly smile at him and he does the same. Just as you were about to turn back around he grabs your arm. You're taken by surprise and don't know what to do. Austin looks deep into your eyes and moves his closer and closer till finally he kissed you]

Austin: Because you're not inside.

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